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. 2022 Feb 18;10(2):327. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10020327

Table 2.

Characteristics of patients on hemodialysis at time point of first vaccination and their further serological responses throughout the following 24 weeks.

Variable All Non-Responder Insufficient Responder Responder Subgroup Comparison Correlation with
Anti -SARS-CoV-2 IgG
24 Weeks after 1st Vac
MD [Q1;Q3], (Range: Min–Max) or n (% of Subgroup)
Patients 59 12 28 19 NA NA
Gender, n (%) ♀ 22 (37.3%) ♀ 6 (50.0%) ♀ 7 (25.0%) ♀ 9 (47.4%) p = 0.156 ° 0.112, p = 0.401
♂ 37 (62.7%) ♂ 6 (50.0%) ♂ 21 (75.0%) ♂ 10 (52.6%)
Age, years 68 [59; 77], 76 [66; 78], 68 [57; 76], 62 [54; 70], p = 0.034 * −0.411; p < 0.001
(50–90) (63–85) (53–83) (50–90)
Body Mass Index, kg/m² 27.1 [22.4; 30.3], 27.6 [23.5; 30.3], 26.8 [21.5; 29.9], 27.0 [23.5; 31.6], p = 0.819 * 0.037; p = 0.786
(17.9–46.3) (19.0–36.7) (18.4–42.8) (17.9–46.3)
Dialysis vintage, years 4 [2; 12], 4 [1; 10], 4 [2; 9], 4 [1; 26], p = 0.892 * 0.118; p = 0.376
(0–46) (0–46) (0–31) (0–38)
HepB- vac responders 16 (27.1 %) 2 (16.7 %) 6 (21.4 %) 8 (42.1 %) p = 0.239 ° 0.268; p = 0.042
Diabetes mellitus 29 (49.2 %) 7 (58.3 %) 13 (46.4 %) 9 (47.4 %) p = 0.838 ° −0.256; p = 0.053
C-reactive Protein, mg/dL 3.4 [1.8; 9.4], 4.9 [2.4; 22.6], 4.5 [2.0; 10.7], 2.3 [0.9; 4.5], p = 0.036 * −0.319; p = 0.015
(<0.4–60.7) (2.2–22.6) (0.6–60.7) (<0.4–11.2)
Leukocytes, e3/µL 6.7 [5.6; 8.0], 6.8 [5.7; 9.4], 6.8 [5.4; 8.1], 6.6 [5.8; 7.8], p = 0.729 * −0.081; p = 0.544
(1.6–11.7) (5.3–11.7) (1.6–11.0) (4.3–10.7)
Vitamin D, ng/mL 23.4 [16.2; 32.0], 15.2 [11.0; 22.6], 24.3 [16.5; 30.5], 27.0 [20.8; 35.0], p = 0.015 * 0.361; p = 0.006
(9.4–45.7) (9.4–37.9) (9.6–45.7) (15.4–45.3)
Serum albumin, g/dL 3.9 [3.8; 4.2], 3.7 [3.1; 3.9], 3.9 [3.8; 4.2] 4.2 [3.9; 4.3], p = 0.007 * 0.466; p < 0.001
(2.6–4.5) (2.6–4.3) (3.5–4.4) (3.6–4.5)
Kt/V 1.47 [1.22; 1.70], 1.45 [1.13; 1.67], 1.45 [1.19; 1.66], 1.58 [1.24; 1.92], p = 0.564 * 0.168; p = 0.207
(0.91–2.19) (0.99–1.81) (0.91–2.05) (0.94–2.19)
Parathormone, pmol/L 19.3 [11.5; 30.3], 22.5 [14.2; 32.2], 18.8 [14.0; 30.2], 14.8 [8.2; 27.3], p = 0.706 * −0.121; p = 0.367
(1.1–59.7) (3.4–42.6) (4.7–46.2) (1.1–59.7)
Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.5 [10.8; 12.6], 10.9 [10.4; 11.9], 11.3 [11.0; 12.2], 12.1 [11.2; 12.7], p = 0.104 * 0.219; p = 0.098
(9.2–13.9) (10.0–13.9) (9.2–13.7) (10.5–13.3)

Non-responder = anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG < 33.8 BAU/mL and neutralizing antibody titer < 1:20; insufficient responder = anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG ≥ 33.8 BAU/mL but neutralizing antibody titer efficacy < 1:20; responder = anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG ≥ 33.8 BAU/mL and neutralizing antibody titer ≥ 1:20; vac = vaccination; MD = median; Q1 = 1st quartile; Q3 = 3rd quartile; n = count; NA = not applicable; * = Kruskal–Wallis test; ° = Fisher’s exact test; = Eta(n) correlation coefficient; = Spearman’s correlation coefficient.