Stable distribution of memory B-cell subsets over time after vaccination. (A) Quantitative changes in memory B cells expressing different Ig subclasses, presented as ratio over baseline (median, min-max). Dashed lines indicate a ratio over baseline of 0.67 and 1.5. Underneath each graph, a table shows the baseline cell counts of that population in cells/µL (median, min-max). (B) Over-time distribution of memory B cells expressing different Ig subclasses within the total memory B-cell compartment. Median values for each population were used to construct the plots. Wilcoxon matched pair signed-rank test followed by Bonferroni correction was used to assess longitudinal differences within each cohort. Differences between cohorts were assessed using Kruskal–Wallis followed by Dunn’s test but did not yield significant differences. For pediatric cohorts, no blood samples were collected at day 14; the Mann–Whitney test followed by Bonferroni correction was used. For longitudinal changes, only significant differences compared with baseline are shown as *, p < 0.05. Significant differences between cohorts at the same time point are indicated as #, p < 0.05. d = days after vaccination.