Table 4.
Sample Number | Sample Category | Analyte of Interest | Declaration Requirement (µg/g) |
Concentration of Capsaicin (µg/g) |
Concentration of Dihydrocapsaicin (µg/g) |
Concentration of Camphor (µg/g) |
S1 | Cosmetics | Camphor | n.s.* | n.c.* | n.c. | 94,519.00 |
S2 | Camphor | n.s. | n.c. | n.c. | 91,304.50 | |
S3 | Camphor | n.s. | n.c. | n.c. | 45,840.00 | |
S4 | Capsaicinoids | n.s. | 68.50 | 60.00 | n.c. | |
S5 | Capsaicinoids/Camphor | n.s. | 241.60 | 131.40 | 35,547.00 | |
S6 | Capsaicinoids/Camphor | n.s. | 54.80 | 18.80 | 6108.20 | |
S7 | Capsaicinoids/Camphor | n.s. | 168.20 | n.c. | 6011.40 | |
S8 | Capsaicinoids/Camphor | n.s. | 60.60 | 175.00 | 2991.40 | |
S9 | OTC medication | Capsaicinoids | 4000 | 3619.20 | n.c. | n.c. |
S10 | Capsaicinoids | 750 | 477.80 | 181.00 | n.c. | |
S11 | Capsaicinoids/Camphor | 300 / 31,600 | 299.20 | 222.00 | 35,806.80 |
* n.s.—not specified in the declaration of the sample * n.c.—not contained in the sample.