Table 1.
Effects of melatonin in NSCs/NSPCs.
Cells Investigated | Challenge | Main Effects | References |
NSCs from murine adult SVZ in vitro | None | Proliferation↑ differentiation of NSPCs to neurons↑ | [97] |
Mouse cortical NSCs | None | Proliferation↑ viability↑ | [106] |
Mouse cortical NSCs | None | Differentiation ↑ MT1 dependence, ERK activation; requirement of chromatin remodeling via H3K14 acetylation | [107] |
Mouse hippocampal NSCs | None | Expression of DCX ↑ | [108] |
C17.2 cell line | None | Neuronal differentiation↑ MT1 dependence, requirement of chromatin remodeling via H3K14 acetylation | [109] |
Rat midbrain NSCs | None | Viability↑ dopaminergic differentiation (tyrosine hydroxylase↑), BDNF↑ GDNF↑ | [110] |
Mouse NSCs from ganglionic eminence | None | Differentiation to neurons↑ in FBS-stimulated proliferation, but not in differentiation period | [111] |
Murine induced pluripotent stem cells | None | Differentiation to NSCs↑ and further to neurons↑ PI3K/AKT signaling | [112] |
Mouse hippocampal NSCs | None | Survival↑ differentiation↑ | [113] |
NSCs from adult murine SVZ | None | Proliferation↑ differentiation↑; ERK/MAPK signaling | [114,115] |
Rat adult hippocampal NSCs | None | Proliferation↑ phosphorylation of ERK1/2 andc-Raf | [116] |
Mouse adult spinal cord NSPCs | None | Proliferation↑ PI3K/AKT signaling | [117] |
Murine hippocampus in vivo | None | Neurogenesis↑ | [118] |
Murine dentate gyrus in vivo | None | NeuN+ cells↑ DCX+ cells↑ | [108,113,119,120,121,122,123,124] |
Rat dentate gyrus in vivo | Pinealectomy | Neurogenesis↑ | [125] |
Rat embryonal NSCs | IL-18 | Proliferation↑ differentiation↑ BDNF↑ GDNF↑ | [126] |
Mouse embryonic cortical NSCs | LPS | Sox2 expression↑ PI3K/Akt/Nrf2 signaling | [20] |
Mouse cortical NSCs in vitro | Hypoxia | Proliferation↑ differentiation to neurons↑ MT1 dependence, pERK1/2↑ | [19] |
Mouse embryonic cortical NSCs | Hyperglycemia | Proliferation↑ self-renewal↑ autophagy↓ | [127] |
Murine dentate gyrus in vivo | Corticosterone | Attenuation of proliferation suppression | [128] |
Rat adult hippocampal NSCs | Dexamethasone | Reversal of inhibition of nestin and Ki67 expression | [129] |
Murine dentate gyrus in vivo | Dexamethasone | Attenuation of suppressed DCX expression | [130] |
Murine dentate gyrus in vivo | Cuprizone | Restoration of Ki67+ proliferative cells and DCX+ NPCs; BNDF↑ | [131] |
Murine dentate gyrus in vivo | Scopolamine | Restoration of Ki67+ proliferative cells and DCX+ NPCs | [132] |
Murine dentate gyrus in vivo | d-Galactose (aging model) | Restoration of Ki67+ proliferative cells and DCX+ NPCs | [133] |
Rat adult hippocampal NSCs | Methamphetamine | Reversal of inhibition of NSC proliferation | [134] |
Murine hippocampus in vivo | Methamphetamine | Nestin↑ DCX↑ β-III-tubulin↑ | [135] |
Rat hippocampal subgranular zone | Valproic acid | Attenuation of reduced neurogenesis | [136] |
Rat hippocampal subgranular zone | Methotrexate | Attenuation of reduced neurogenesis | [137] |
Rat hippocampal subgranular zone | 5-Fluorouracil | Attenuation of reduced neurogenesis | [138] |
Murine cortex | Ischemia/reperfusion | Nestin+ cells↑ Ki67+ cells↑ DCX+ cells↑ MT2 dependence | [139] |
Murine cortex and striatum | Mild focal ischemia | Neurogenesis↑ | [140] |
Rat spinal cord | Spinal cord injury | Proliferation↑ nestin+ cells↑ | [141] |
Symbols: ↑ increase or upregulation; ↓ decrease or downregulation.