Impedance sensors. (a) Scheme of the 3D impedance biosensor single-unit composed of two vertical gold electrodes assembled with the PET culture chamber and the glass substrate. (b) Eight-channel 3D impedance biosensor. (c) 3D electric cell/matrigel-substrate detection platform containing the 3D impedance biosensor, a signal-conditioning module and a computer-controlled data acquisition card. (d) Illustration of the 3D single impedance biosensor before (left) and after (right) culturing HepG2 embedded in Matrigel hydrogel. (e) Image of the multi-layer impedance sensor consisting of an indium tin oxide (ITO) glass slide for the ground electrode, a PDMS layer composed of nine independent 3D cylindrical chambers able to host 3D cell-laden hydrogels, and a glass substrate provided with nine Cr/Au electrodes. (f) Illustrative design of the experimental set-up and the equivalent circuit to monitor impedance in cancer colonies within 3D hydrogels between the parallel plate electrodes. (a–d) Reprinted from [188], Copyright (2019), with permission from Elsevier; (e,f) Reprinted from [190], Copyright (2015), with permission from Elsevier.