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. 2022 Feb 11;12:777338. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.777338


List of yeast or yeast-like species employed and GenBank numbers determined in this study.

Species Holotype CBS collection Laboratory strain
18S + ITS + D1/D2 RPB1 RPB2 EF1
Ustilaginaceae (Ustilaginales, Ustilaginomycetes)
Sporisorium cylindricum sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3756 CBS 15755 WZS28.2B Wuzhishan Montain, Hainan province, China, Octomber 2007 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901699 MN901756 MN901781 MN901669
CGMCC 2.3576 YX3.6 Kunming country, Yunnan province, China, May 2007 leaf of unidentified plant MN901698 / / MN901666
Kalmanozyma hebeiensis sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3457 CBS 15483 H8A4 Hebei province, China, April 2007 leaf of unidentified plant MN901700 / MN901775 MN901662
Langdonia walkerae CGMCC 2.4680 CBS 144911 JX1243 China, Sptember 2012 leaf of unidentified plant MN901702 / MN901787 MN901675
Langdonia ligulariae sp. nov. CGMCC 2.6313 CBS 15581 XZ146B3 Lulang county, Tibet, China, Sptember 2014 leaf of Ligularia tsangchanensis MN901697 MN901766 / MN901684
Brachybasidiaceae (Exobasidiales, Exobasidiomycetes)
Meira plantarum sp. nov. CGMCC 2.4430 CBS 12491 FJYZ8-3 Fuzhou county, Fujian province, China, August 2011 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901704 MN901757 MN901782 MN901670
CGMCC 2.4432 FJYZ11-7 Fuzhou county, Fujian province, China, August 2011 Leaf of unidentified plant MT896142 / / /
CGMCC 2.4431 FJYZ5-8 Fuzhou county, Fujian province, China, August 2011 Leaf of unidentified plant MT896141 / / /
CGMCC 2.6306 CBS 144914 XZ123E33 Beibengxiang, Motuo county, Tibet, China, Sptember 2014 Leaf of unidentified plant MT896139 MN901764 / MN901682
Meira pileae sp. nov. CGMCC 2.6305 CBS 144915 XZ123B4 Beibengxiang, Motuo county, Tibet, China, Sptember 2014 Leaf of Pilea sp. MT896138 / MN901791 MN901681
Meira hainanensis sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3537 CBS 15497 WZS12.12 Wuzhishan Montain, Hainan province, China, May 2007 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901703 MN901753 MN901777 MN901664
Yunzhangomyces orchidis sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3451 CBS 15753 WZS24.28 Wuzhishan Montain, Hainan province, China, Apir 2007 Leaf of Orchidaceae MN901726 / / MN901661
Yunzhangomyces clavatus sp. nov. CGMCC 2.4433 CBS 144908 FJYZ8-4 Fuzhou country, Fujian province, China, August 2011 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901724 MN901758 MN901783 MN901671
CBS 144917 XZ128D Heilongxiang, Motuo county, Tibet, China, Sptember 2014 Leaf of Impatiens sp. MN901725 MN901765 MN901792 MN901683
Yunzhangomyces qinlingensis sp. nov. CGMCC 2.4533 CBS 144910 ZHH5D15 Qinling, Heihe, Shaanxi province, China March 2012 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901729 MN901759 MN901785 MN901673
Yunzhangomyces cylindricus sp. nov. CGMCC 2.6304 CBS 15585 HLJ17B1 Daliangzi river national forest park, Heilongjiang province, China, August 2015 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901728 / MN901790 MN901680
Yunzhangomyces sp. HLJ9.21 Daliangzi river national forest park, Heilongjiang province, China, August 2015 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901727 / / /
Georgefischeriales (Exobasidiomycetes)
Phragmotaenium parafulvescens sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3573 CBS 15754 SY9.2 Sanya country, Hainan province, China, May 2007 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901716 MN901754 MN901778 MN901665
Gjaerumia pseudominor sp. nov. CGMCC 2.5616 CBS 144912 TY1AS Heilongjiang province, China, August 2015 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901705 MN901761 MN901789 MN901677
Gjaerumia cyclobalanopsidis sp. nov. CGMCC 2.6419 CBS 144918 GT31C4 Gutianshan, Zhejiang province, China, June 2011 Leaf of Cyclobalanopsis sp. MT896140 / / /
Jamesdicksonia aceris sp. nov. CGMCC 2.5679 CBS 144913 HLJ11A4A Heilongjiang province, China, August 2015 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901731 / MN901796 MN901687
CGMCC 2.2370 CBS 144907 CB297 Changbai mountain, Jilin province, October 1998 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901732 / MN901795 MN901686
CGMCC 2.5602 CBS 144916 XZ155C4 Bomi, Tibet, China, Sptember 2014 Leaf of Acer pectinatum MN901734 / MN901793 MN901685
XZ156C4 Bomi, Tibet, China, Sptember 2014 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901735/MN901736 / / /
Entylomatales (Exobasidiomycetes)
Tilletiopsis pinicola sp. nov. CGMCC 2.5613 CBS 15775 CBS 15775 Heilongjiang province, China, August 2015 A leaf of Pinus sp. MN901708 MN901760 MN901788 MN901676
Tilletiopsis lunata sp. nov. CGMCC 2.6308 DSM 111865 HE6AB1 Huzhong, Heilongjiang Province, China, August 2015 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901706 MN901763 / MN901679
CGMCC 2.6307 DSM 111865 HE2A5 Huzhong, Heilongjiang Province, China, August 2015 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901707 MN901762 / MN901678
Microstromatales (Exobasidiomycetes)
Jaminaea lantanae sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3529 HE2A5 HK13.4 Haikou country, Hainan province, China, May 2007 Leaf of Lantana camara MN901709 / MN901776 MN901663
CGMCC 2.3622 HK13.4-2 Haikou country, Hainan province, China, May 2007 Leaf of Lantana camara MN901710 / MN901779 MN901667
Sympodiomycopsis europaea sp. nov. CGMCC 2.3119 CBS 15470 G1.1 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901717 MN901748 MN901771 MN901657
CGMCC 2.3181 G7.21 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901718 MN901752 MN901774 MN901660
CGMCC 2.3120 G4.3 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901719 / / /
CGMCC 2.3121 G7.1-3 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901720 MN901749 MN901772 MN901658
CGMCC 2.3122 G7.2-2 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901721 / / /
CGMCC 2.3123 G11.2 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901722 / / /
CGMCC 2.3124 G16 Germany, March 2006 Leaf of unidentified plant, MN901723 / / /
Baueromyces planticola sp. nov. CGMCC 2.4532 CBS 144909 XS9B4 Xingshan country, Hubei province, China, March 2012 Leaf of unidentified plant MN901712 / MN901784 MN901672
CGMCC 2.4534 GZMT1C2 Maotai county, Guizhou province Leaf of unidentified plant MN901713 / MN901786 MN901674
CGMCC 2.4535 FJS8A1 Fanjingshan, Guizhou province Leaf of unidentified plant MN901714 / / /
CGMCC 2.4536 FJS8A1B Fanjingshan, Guizhou province Leaf of unidentified plant MN901715 / / /
Franziozymales (Exobasidiomycetes)
Franziozyma bambusicola sp. nov. CGMCC 2.2620 CBS 15774 XZ4C4 Bomi county, Tibet, China, Sptember 2004 A leaf of bamboo MK415411 MK415413 MK415414 MK415412
XZ4A1 Bomi county, Tibet, China, Sptember 2004 A leaf of bamboo MZ045837 / / /