FIG. 18.
The grand free energy Ω for the capsid model with fixed curvature RT (Eq. (70)), as a function of partial capsid size n. (A) shows Ω(n) for indicated complete capsid sizes nT, with the limit nT → ∞ corresponding to unlimited assembly (a flat disk). The calculation is performed for a chemical potential difference Δμ = −ϵT − μ = −4kBT, and a per-subunit binding free energy ϵT = −15kBT, corresponding to a subunit-subunit contact energy of 7.5kBT and tetravalent subunits (e.g. (Ceres and Zlotnick, 2002b; Zlotnick et al., 2000)). We set the line energy to , corresponding to one unsatisfied contact per subunit on the partial shell rim. (B) shows Ω(n) as a function of the chemical potential difference Δμ for ϵT = −15kBT and complete capsid size nT = 120. In (A) and (B), the solid lines correspond to sizes for which the quasi-equilibrium approximation described in the text applies (i.e., n ≤ nnuc) and thus the concentration of intermediates is approximately given by ϕ(n) ∝ e−βΩ(n). The dashed lines correspond to sizes n > nnuc for which this assumption is not valid and the intermediate concentrations cannot be described by a quasi-equilibrium (except approximately for the case Δμ = 0).