Accuracy (ACC) |
The ratio of correctly predicted pixels to the total number of pixels in the processed image. |
Precision (Pc) |
The ratio of correctly predicted lesion pixels to the total of expected lesion pixels. |
Sensitivity (Sen) |
The ratio of the correctly predicted lesion pixels to the total number of real lesion pixels. |
F1 score (F1) |
The ratio obtained from a combination of both precision and sensitivity results. |
Specificity (Sp) |
The ratio of correctly predicted normal pixels to the total number of actual normal pixels. |
Dice coefficient (DC) |
The similarity between the method output (Y) and the ground truth (X). |
Structural metric (Sm) |
Sm = (1 − β).Sos(Sop,Sgt) + β.Sor(Sop,Sgt) |
The structural similarity between the prediction map and ground truth mask. |
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) |
∑wi∑hj|Sop(i,j) − Sgt(i,j)| |
Measures the pixel-wise difference. |