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. 2022 Feb 25;17(2):e0264637. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264637

Table 3. Characteristics of patients within the HR+, HER2- subtype, stratified by monarchE clinicopathological high-risk inclusion criteriaa.

N (%), unless otherwise specified Did Not Meet monarchE Criteriaa Did Meet monarchE Criteriaa
n = 209 603 (88.0%) n = 28 619 (12.0%)
Stage II-III/Node Positive n = 30 041 (14.3%) Stage I and/or Node Negative n = 179 562 (85.7%)
    Male 338 (1.1) 1 289 (0.7) 414 (1.5)
    Female 29 703 (98.9) 178 273 (99.3) 28 205 (98.6)
Age, mean (SD) 60.3 (13.2) 63.7 (12.9) 58.5 (13.7)
Age group
    18–29 137 (0.5) 410 (0.2) 227 (0.8)
    30–39 1 322 (4.4) 3 939 (2.2) 2 002 (7.0)
    40–49 5 432 (18.1) 22 983 (12.8) 5 848 (20.4)
    50–59 7 639 (25.4) 39 119 (21.8) 7 333 (25.6)
    60–69 8 123 (27.0) 52 654 (29.3) 6 949 (24.3)
    70–79 4 807 (16.0) 38 847 (21.6) 4 072 (14.2)
    80–89 2 260 (7.5) 18 806 (10.5) 1 919 (6.7)
    90+ 321 (1.1) 2 804 (1.6) 269 (0.9)
    Spanish-Hispanic-Latino 3 768 (12.5) 16 653 (9.3) 3 852 (13.5)
    Non-Hispanic White 20 417 (68.0) 131 847 (73.4) 18 602 (65.0)
    Non-Hispanic Black 3 108 (10.4) 14 619 (8.1) 3 520 (12.3)
    Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native 174 (0.6) 904 (0.5) 176 (0.6)
    Non-Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander 2 438 (8.1) 14 730 (8.2) 2 373 (8.3)
    Non-Hispanic unknown 136 (0.5) 809 (0.5) 96 (0.3)
    Stage I NOS/IA N/A 132 575 (73.8) N/A
    Stage IB N/A 6 273 (3.5) N/A
    Stage IIA 12 975 (43.2) 35 411 (19.7) 2 564 (9.0)
    Stage IIB 14 758 (49.1) 3 862 (2.2) 6 292 (22.0)
    Stage III NOS/IIIA 811 (2.7) 159 (0.1) 13 218 (46.2)
    Stage IIIB-C 1 497 (5.0) 1 282 (0.7) 6 545 (22.9)
Nodal status
    Node negative 173 289 (96.5)
    Micrometastasis 1–3 positive ipsilateral axillary nodes 2 767 (10.0) 6 140 (3.4) 1 617 (5.7)
    Micrometastasis ≥4 positive ipsilateral axillary nodesb N/A 71 (0.04) 188 (0.7)
    Node positive 1–3 positive ipsilateral axillary nodesc 24 845 (90.0) N/A 11 919 (41.7)
    Node positive ≥4 positive ipsilateral axillary nodesc N/A N/A 14 895 (52.1)
Histologic grade
    Grade 1 7 361 (24.5) 63 789 (35.5) 2 676 (9.4)
    Grade 2 18 778 (62.5) 79 566 (44.3) 9 820 (34.3)
    Grade 3 670 (2.2) 23 438 (13.1) 14 459 (50.5)
    Grade unknown 3 232 (10.8) 12 769 (7.1) 1 664 (5.8)
Tumor size
    <1 cm 2 231 (7.4) 54 990 (30.6) 713 (2.5)
    ≥1 cm to <2 cm 9 647 (32.1) 77 245 (43.0) 4 263 (14.9)
    ≥2 cm to <3 cm 9 765 (32.5) 28 451 (15.8) 6 746 (23.6)
    ≥3 cm to <4 cm 4 741 (15.8) 9 515 (5.3) 4 521 (15.8)
    ≥4 cm to <5 cm 2 569 (8.6) 4 105 (2.3) 2 769 (9.7)
    ≥5 cm 779 (2.6) 4 982 (2.8) 9 288 (32.5)
Tumor size unknown 309 (1.0) 274 (0.2) 319 (1.1)
    Left 14 762 (49.1) 88 914 (49.5) 14 222 (49.7)
    Right 15 264 (50.8) 90 622 (50.5) 14 383 (50.3)
    Other 15 (0.1) 26 (0.01) 14 (0.1)
    Other adenocarcinomas 302 (1.0) 1 668 (0.9) 368 (1.3)
    Mucinous adenocarcinoma 261 (0.9) 5 605 (3.1) 153 (0.5)
    Infiltrating duct carcinoma 21 481 (71.5) 128 148 (71.4) 19 726 (68.9)
    Lobular carcinoma, NOS 3 730 (12.4) 20 001 (11.1) 4 541 (15.9)
    Infiltrating duct mixed/infiltrating lobular mixed 3 685 (12.3) 19 335 (10.8) 3 231 (11.3)
    Otherd 582 (1.9) 4 805 (2.7) 600 (2.1)

aWithout Ki-67 ≥20%, as these data were not available in the SEER database.

bPer the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual, micrometastases were defined as tumor deposits larger than 0.2 mm but not larger than 2.0 mm in the largest dimension. Cases in which at least 1 micrometastasis is detected, but no metastases larger than 2 mm are detected, regardless of number involved are classified as pN1mi or pN1mi(sn).

cIn these analyses, node positive was exclusive of the N1mi subgroups. Please refer to Materials and Methods section, Data Source subsection for detailed information regarding nodal status classification.

dOther indicates histologic subtypes with <1% of patients overall, and included: phyllodes tumor, Paget disease, inflammatory adenocarcinoma, medullary adenocarcinoma, mucin-producing adenocarcinoma, tubular adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified, epidermoid carcinoma, papillary adenocarcinoma, unspecified carcinoma, other specific carcinoma, unspecified, and other specific types.

Abbreviations: HER2, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2; HR, hormone receptor; mi, microinvasive carcinoma; N1, node status; N/A, not applicable; NOS, not otherwise specified; SD, standard deviation.