Table 2.
Model fit statistics for the tested models of the International Trauma Interview (N = 103)
Model | χ2 (df) | p | CFI | TLI | RMSEA (90% CI) |
1 | 224.49 (54) | <.001 | .909 | .889 | .175 (.152 – .199) |
2 | 33.78 (39) | .706 | 1.000 | 1.005 | .000 (.000 – .054) |
3 | 47.79 (47) | .441 | 1.000 | .999 | .013 (.000 – .066) |
χ2 = Chi-Square Goodness of Fit statistics, df = degrees of freedom, p = statistical significance, CFI = Comparative Fit Index, TLI = Tucker–Lewis Index, RMSEA (90% CI) = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation with 90% confidence intervals. Best fitting model is in bold.