Adapted from Suanda, Mugwanya, & Namy, 2014. Total frequencies of word (columns) co-occurrences with pictures (rows) in each condition of Suanda et al. (2014) E1. For example, in the High CD condition, Word 1 (W1) co-occurred with its referent (P1) on all four trials in which it occurred. W1–P1 was accompanied by W2–P2 on one of those trials, W3–P3 on a different trial, W4–P4 on another trial, and W5–P5 on yet another trial, resulting in maximal contextual diversity. After the 16 learning trials children were tested on eight four-alternative force-choice test trials, one per target word. On each test trial, a target referent was presented along with three foils randomly selected from the set of objects that had never co-occurred with the target during the learning phase. Children were presented with a word and were asked to indicate which of the four pictures the word referred to.