Figure 7.
Id2 is downregulated in splenic CD4+cells of Tob1–/–mice. (A) Compared with WT littermates (n = 5), RNA-seq of splenic Tob1–/–CD4+ T cells showed that the mRNA levels of several anti-inflammatory genes (eg, Il12rb2, Il15ra, Ccr5, Lgals1, Id2, Atf3, Entpd1, G6pdx, Oas1g, and Trim58) were decreased in Tob1–/– mice (n = 5). (B) Luciferase reporter assays using vectors constituted with ID2 promoter or control in the presence of pGMLR-TK and TOB1-overexpressing vector or control. (C and D) Id2 expression was reduced in splenic CD4+ T cells and colon tissues from TNBS-induced colitis of Tob1–/– mice (n = 10) compared with WT littermates (n = 10). (E) Id2 expression was decreased in splenic CD4+ T cells of Tob1–/– mice. Statistical analysis was performed with unpaired 2-sided Student’s t tests. ∗P < .05, ∗∗P < .01, and ∗∗∗∗P < .0001 vs control animals.