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. 2022 Feb 25;5(2):e220978. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.0978

Table 1. Participant Characteristics.

Characteristic Participants, No. (%) (Nā€‰=ā€‰104)
Male or transgender male 63 (60.6)
Female or transgender female 27 (26.0)
Nonbinary or gender fluid 10 (9.6)
Don't know or missing 4 (3.8)
Race and ethnicitya
Asian or Pacific Islander 4 (3.8)
Black or African American 3 (2.9)
Latinx 9 (8.7)
Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian 6 (5.8)
White 67 (64.4)
More than 1 race or ethnicity chosen 9 (8.7)
Missing 6 (5.8)
Age at baseline, y
13 8 (7.7)
14 20 (19.2)
15 18 (17.3)
16 22 (21.2)
17 22 (21.2)
18 8 (7.7)
19 5 (4.8)
20 1 (1.0)
Pharmacological intervention
PBsb 19 (18.2)
GAHsb 64 (61.5)
Androgen blockersc 17 (51.5)
Menstrual suppression or contraceptiond 25 (35.2)
Depression at baseline (using PHQ-9)
0-4 (minimal) 14 (13.5)
5-9 (mild) 27 (26.0)
10-14 (moderate) 22 (21.2)
15-19 (moderately severe) 11 (10.6)
ā‰„20 (severe) 26 (25.0)
Missing 4 (3.8)
Anxiety at baseline (using GAD-7)
0-4 (minimal) 20 (19.2)
5-9 (mild) 28 (26.9)
10-14 (moderate) 20 (19.2)
ā‰„15 (severe) 32 (30.8)
Missing 4 (3.8)
Self-harm or suicidal thoughts at baseline 45 (43.2)
Receiving mental health therapy 65 (62.5)
Tension with caregiver about gender identity or expression 36 (34.6)
Any substance use 34 (32.7)
Resilience at baseline (using CD-RISC 10)
0-10 8 (7.7)
10-20 35 (33.7)
21-30 15 (14.4)
30-40 34 (32.7)
Missing 12 (11.5)

Abbreviations: CD-RISC 10, Connor-Davidson 10-item Resilience Scale; GAD-7, Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale; GAH, gender-affirming hormone; PB, puberty blocker; PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item scale.


Available response options for race and ethnicity were Arab or Middle Eastern; Asian or Pacific Islander; Black or African American; Latinx; Native American, American Indian, or Alaskan Native or Native Hawaiian; Pacific Islander; and White. Asian and Pacific Islander groups were combined owing to small population sizes.


Self-reported receipt ever of PBs or GAHs at baseline or through the end of the study period.


Includes androgen blockers received during the study period; percentage is among 33 youths assigned male sex at birth.


Includes pharmacological interventions for menstrual suppression or contraception received during the study period; percentage is among 71 youths assigned female sex at birth.