Fig. 6.
The induction ratio calculation. IR — induction ratio. FLMet- — the concentration of the full-length transcript in methionine starvation conditions. FLMet+ — the concentration of the full-length transcript in methionine presence conditions. TMet- — the concentration of the terminated transcript in methionine starvation conditions. TMet+ — the concentration of the terminated transcript in methionine presence conditions. P1Met- — the concentration of the product amplified with the primers 1 in methionine starvation conditions. P1Met+ — the concentration of the product amplified with the primers 1 in methionine presence conditions. P3Met- — the concentration of the product amplified with the primers 3 in methionine starvation conditions. P3Met+ — the concentration of the product amplified with the primers 3 in methionine presence conditions