Fig. 3. The conceptual and tested moderated mediation models.
A The conceptual moderated mediation model shows the independent component (IC) loading coefficients as the predictor, the subscale of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) as the mediator, and wellbeing (indexed by COMPAS-W scores) as the outcome. Early life stress (ELS) exposure was included as a common moderator for the associations between the SBM component and ERQ subscale scores (a path), and between the component and wellbeing scores (c’ path). B The moderated mediation model testing for the conditional indirect effect of cognitive reappraisal scores, moderated by ELS exposure, on the association between IC11 and wellbeing was significant (a + b), indicating that an increase in the usage of cognitive reappraisal strengthened the association between IC11 and wellbeing, but only for individuals with ELS exposure. C The moderated mediation model testing for the conditional indirect effect of expressive suppression scores, moderated by ELS exposure, on the association between IC5 and wellbeing was not significant (a + b). Solid lines = significant associations; dotted lines = nonsignificant associations; *p < 0.05.