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. 2022 Feb 28;301:114830. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114830

Table A2.

ML-SEM estimates, women (n = 2170)

Childless (n = 747)
Mother (n = 1395)
Living with spouse/partner (n = 518)
Not living with spouse/partner (n = 1394)
Model 2: dynamic
Model 3: dynamic fixed effects
Model 2: dynamic
Model 3: dynamic fixed effects
Model 2: dynamic
Model 3: dynamic fixed effects
Model 2: dynamic
Model 3: dynamic fixed effects
b se b se b se b se b se b se b se b se
Depressive symptoms (lagged) .28*** .06 .15 .13 .18*** .03 .06 .08 .29*** .04 .26 .19 .17*** .04 .04 .08
Marginal food security .33* .16 .13 .34 .35** .11 -.08 .21 .44** .14 .16 .27 .32** .12 .18 .21
Low/very low food security .64** .21 .71* .34 .69*** .13 -.07 .25 .50** .18 .06 .37 .63*** .14 .68** .25

Live with spouse/partner -.25* .12 -.49 .50 -.133 .10 -.03 .27
Number of children 0–6 years old -.03 .07 .10 .16 .02 .04 -.12 .11 .06 .07 .04 .18 -.04 .04 -.15 .09
Number of children 7–17 years old .07 .05 .29* .14 -.02 .03 -.01 .05 .60** .18 .00 .04 .02 .10
Daily hours spent in childcare -.02 .02 -.01 .03 .02* .01 .05* .02 .00 .01 -.02 .03 .00 .01 .02 .02

Employed .23 .17 -.27 .35 .07 .10 .15 .20 -.02 .16 .15 .21 .18 .13 .15 .23
Household's main income source
Labour/business .08 .23 .45 .37 .19 .14 -.30 .24 -.04 .26 -.85 .62 .21 .18 -.07 .26
Government grants .05 .17 -.26 .23 .17 .13 -.08 .21 -.06 .20 -.29 .35 .18 .14 -.15 .20
Support from NGO/church/similar -.47 .46 -.81* .35 .02 .27 -.02 .48 .56 .41 .38 .71 -.26 .33 -.09 .42
Support from community/neighborhood -.22 .27 -.25 .59 .48* .23 .89*** .27 .26 .37 .40 .57 .24 .24 .39 .29

African -.27 .19 −1.12* .53 .06 .23 .18 .28 -.25 .19 -.29 .27 -.30 .24 -.29 .31
Colored .37+ .22 .24 .59 .47+ .28 .83** .32 .32 .22 .55+ .32 .18 .30 .23 .36
Primary school or less .04 .16 .16 .28 -.25+ .14 -.30+ .17 -.25 .18 -.67* .26 -.06 .13 -.07 .16
Complete secondary schooling .10 .23 -.01 .32 .02 .12 -.01 .15 -.41* .18 -.28 .21 .24 .15 .26 .17
Tertiary education -.02 .17 -.14 .36 .00 .11 -.06 .15 -.20 .15 -.22 .23 .10 .13 .13 .16
Perceived at risk of getting COVID-19 .38** .14 .39 .31 .41*** .10 .16 .21 .23 .15 .30 .33 .39*** .11 .17 .19
Uncertain of risk of getting COVID-19 -.22 .19 .18 .34 .10 .18 -.22 .36 -.05 .20 -.06 .47 -.03 .17 -.13 .30

Constant T1 .98*** .27 1.47* .64 .59* .29 1.06* .48 .98** .31 .97+ .58 1.01*** .25 1.49*** .35
Constant T2 1.05*** .25 1.75** .64 .43 .27 1.24** .46 1.05*** .27 1.06+ .56 .90*** .25 1.42*** .37

Notes: Balanced panel sample used, and data is weighted appropriately. SEM estimation is performed using Full Information Maximum Likelihood. ***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05, +p < .10.