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. 2022 Feb 24;6:23982128221079573. doi: 10.1177/23982128221079573

Table 1.

Demographics for all tests.

Test scale Biological gender N (n with age) M (SD) age Age range
Study 1 PGSI Male 116 (51) 26.941 (9.702) 18–57
Female 129 (66) 24.197 (7.663) 18–50
AUDIT Unspecified 36 (0)
Male 51 (48) 27.438 (9.785) 18–57
Female 60 (55) 24.291 (8.254) 18–50
Study 2 OGDQ Male 165 24.04 (3.62) 18–32
Female 69 25.30 (3.41) 19–30
Unspecified 7 22.57 (2.51) 19–26
All other scales Male 303 23.86 (3.63) 18–32
Female 288 24.03 (3.68) 18–30
Unspecified 13 23.69 (3.35) 19–29

SD: standard deviation; PGSI: Problem Gambling Severity Index; AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test; OGDQ: Online Gambling Disorder Questionnaire.