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. 2022 Jan 25;9(3):ofac039. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofac039

Table 3.

Distribution of Gram-Negative Antibiotic-Resistant Pathogens by Setting, Culture Source, and Quarter

Characteristic Enterobacterales Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acinetobacter spp Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
Tested Carb-NS (%) FQ-NS (%) Tested Carb-NS (%) FQ-NS (%) Tested Carb-NS (%) Tested FQ-NS (%)
Overall 6 316 806 43 272 (0.7%) 1 310 150 (20.7%) 749 382 96 961 (12.9%) 183 956 (24.6%) 48 172 14 608 (30.3%) 72 150 8690 (12.0%)
 Ambulatory 4 040 147 15 837 (0.4%) 750 020 (18.5%) 329 996 31 159 (9.4%) 73 309 (22.2%) 16 808 2616 (15.6%) 25 471 2932 (11.5%)
 Inpatient 2 276 659 27 435 (1.2%) 560 130 (24.6%) 419 386 65 802 (15.7%) 110 647 (26.4%) 31 364 11 992 (38.2%) 46 679 5758 (12.3%)
Culture source
 Respiratory 165 252 6319 (3.8%) 34 438 (20.8%) 173 086 40 459 (23.4%) 54 696 (31.6%) 12 420 5670 (45.7%) 34 224 4562 (13.3%)
 Nonrespiratory 6 151 554 36 953 (1.2%) 1 275 712 (20.1%) 576 296 56 502 (9.9%) 129 260 (18.8%) 35 752 8938 (26.0%) 37 926 4128 (10.4%)
 Q1 1 437 289 9661 (0.7%) 311 796 (21.6%) 172 887 23 040 (13.3%) 44 119 (25.6%) 10 671 3674 (34.4%) 16 407 2046 (12.5%)
 Q2 1 521 108 10 517 (0.7%) 320 811 (21.2%) 177 877 23 521 (13.2%) 44 966 (25.2%) 11 452 3 627 (31.7%) 17 314 2108 (12.2%)
 Q3 1 697 602 11 514 (0.7%) 338 012 (19.9%) 200 624 25 214 (12.6%) 47 774 (23.8%) 13 666 3661 (26.8%) 19 261 2223 (11.5%)
 Q4 1 660 807 11 580 (0.7%) 339 531 (20.5) 197 994 25 214 (12.7%) 47 097 (23.8%) 12 383 3646 (29.4%) 19 168 2313 (12.1%)

Abbreviations: Carb, carbapenem; FQ, fluoroquinolones; NS, not susceptible.