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. 2020 Aug 3;25(2):344–357. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020002232

Table 7.

Simulation of the effect of water fortification with 500 mg of calcium/l on calcium intake (USA)

Group n EAR (mg) Water Intake Basal Ca intake Ca intake after fortification of water with 500 mg of Ca/l Ca intake after fortification of water with 400 mg of Ca/l Ca intake after fortification of water with 300 mg of Ca/l Ca intake after fortification of water with 200 mg of Ca/l
Mean (mg) sd <EAR (%) >UL (%) Mean (mg) sd <EAR (%) >UL (%) Mean (mg) sd <EAR (%) >UL (%) Mean (mg) sd <EAR (%) >UL (%) Mean (mg) sd <EAR (%) >UL (%)
  0 ≤ age < 1 222 270 44·5 650·0 288·4 3·7 1·7 671·7 299·1 3·3 2·1 667·4 296·4 3·3 2·0 663·0 294·0 3·4 1·9 658·7 291·9 3·5 1·9
  1 ≤ age < 4 564 400 289·3 915·0 492·0 11·1 1·1 1059·0 535·3 6·5 2·0 1030·2 522·5 7·0 1·7 1001·4 511·6 7·7 1·5 972·6 502·8 8·6 1·3
  4 ≤ age < 9 828 640 438·6 952·3 487·6 28·9 0·7 1171·4 556·7 16·7 2·2 1127·6 535·8 18·2 1·7 1083·8 518·1 20·1 1·3 1040·0 504·0 22·5 1·0
Women non-pregnant
  9 ≤ age < 14 417 1100 539·7 919·1 547·9 69·2 0·4 1188·8 643·9 51·0 1·3 1134·8 615·2 54·3 1·0 1080·9 590·7 58·0 0·7 1027·0 570·9 61·8 0·6
  14 ≤ age < 19 383 1100 775·2 826·8 520·9 75·4 0·3 1214·2 731·9 51·7 2·6 1136·7 674·1 55·7 1·7 1059·2 622·2 60·3 1·0 981·7 577·8 65·3 0·6
  19 ≤ age < 31 511 800 1242·5 825·9 501·5 56·3 0·9 1446·8 843·4 23·7 11·2 1322·6 750·7 26·8 7·5 1198·5 666·2 31·0 4·5 1074·3 593·0 37·0 2·4
  31 ≤ age < 51 854 800 1236·1 837·7 471·8 54·6 0·6 1455·3 786·9 21·0 10·2 1331·8 701·9 24·1 6·6 1208·3 624·0 28·3 3·7 1084·8 556·7 34·5 1·9
  51 ≤ age < 71 845 1000 1166·5 775·7 436·4 74·9 1·6 1358·5 736·0 35·8 17·6 1242·0 655·8 40·9 12·6 1125·4 582·2 47·4 8·1 1008·8 518·1 55·7 4·7
  71 ≤ age 381 1000 899·5 731·7 418·3 78·6 1·3 1180·7 627·6 44·2 10·0 1091·0 567·1 49·9 7·0 1001·1 512·4 56·6 4·5 911·3 467·2 64·2 2·8
Pregnant women
  19 ≤ age < 31 37 800 1574·4 999·0 542·3 40·5 1·2 1773·4 879·4 13·5 20·1 1618·4 777·4 15·2 13·3 1463·5 687·0 17·6 7·3 1308·6 612·7 21·6 3·3
  31 ≤ age < 51 26 800 1481·2 947·7 507·5 42·8 0·6 1690·1 1136·1 23·2 20·7 1541·4 978·3 24·4 15·7 1392·4 825·6 26·2 10·1 1244·2 684·5 28·4 4·8
  9 ≤ age < 14 412 1100 579·2 1039·3 650·0 62·2 1·3 1328·1 760·8 45·2 3·5 1270·4 728·2 48·1 2·8 1212·6 700·7 51·5 2·3 1154·8 678·1 55·1 1·9
  14 ≤ age < 19 374 1100 859·2 1100·3 698·9 58·1 1·8 1529·1 963·5 38·9 7·9 1443·3 892·9 41·6 6·1 1357·6 828·7 44·9 4·6 1271·8 773·2 48·7 3·3
  19 ≤ age < 31 497 800 1367·6 1067·7 719·6 42·9 4·7 1751·2 1132·4 19·9 21·4 1614·6 895 1023·6 22·0 1477·9 924·0 24·9 13·1 1341·3 835·0 29·0 9·4
  31 ≤ age < 51 792 800 1318·9 1042·1 658·1 42·7 3·5 1701·4 988·3 17·6 18·8 1569·6 895·2 19·7 14·4 1437·8 811·8 22·8 10·4 1305·9 741·4 27·2 7·2
  51 ≤ age < 71 824 800 1054·9 939·1 581·7 47·9 5·8 1465·9 900·1 22·9 21·7 1360·6 814·3 25·4 17·6 1255·2 736·4 28·8 13·7 1149·8 669·1 33·5 10·2
  71 ≤ age 372 1000 779·4 871·6 553·8 67·1 3·9 1260·6 745·7 42·3 14·5 1182·5 689·1 46·0 11·5 1105·1 645·2 48·4 7·8 1027·3 604·0 53·8 5·9

EAR, estimated average requirement; UL, upper limit.