Participants |
Mean age: 66
% Female: 78
Mean disease
duration: Not reported
Duration: 5 wk
Number randomised:203
(NRD 102, Artz 101)
knee OA with definite pain or inflammatory symptom & demonstrating on xray 1 of:
osteophyte formation, joint space narrowing,
age >=20 < 80 y
if bilateral lesions, only one of lesions which satisfied criteria was selected
definite 2o knee OA
operation indicated
oral or IV steroid or ia steroid or other drug within 2 wk of start of study
NSAID or new PT within 2 wk
lesion in hip or ankle of affected side
pregnant, breast feeding or possibly pregnant
judged by physician to be in‐
appropriate as study subject
Baseline values:
% pt moderate
spontaneous pain
NRD:31, Artz:31
% pt moderate walking disorder
NRD:40, Artz:41 |
Outcomes |
clinical findings:4 grades of none, mild, moderate, severe for pain:spontaneous, pressure,night, on passive movement, inflammation: swelling of soft part of jt, floating patella, local feverish feeling, synovial fluid retention,
activities of daily living disorder: sitting upright, up/down stairs, standing up, squatting, walking
passive movement: flexion/extension,
drainage: volume
efficacy assessed by MD: overall im‐
provement: 7 grades: marked
moderate im‐
slight improve‐
ment, un‐
aggravation,moderate aggrava‐
tion, marked
pt. impression ‐ how they felt about changes in symptoms (very good, good,fair,
cannot say good or not, bad)
comprehensive assessment based on 3: final overall improvement ratings (8 grades: same as above+
global safety (5 grades: no
adverse reaction,mild AR,
moderate AR,
severe AR,
usefulness (8
grades:very use‐
useful,cannot say useful or not,
slightly undesir‐
able, undesirable, very
undesirable, un‐
assessable) |
Notes |
Jadad's: 5/5
MD who did inj
different from MD who did assess‐
In case of bilateral OA, only one knee was evaluated.
Bilateral: NRD 53, Artz 44;
Unilateral: NRD 42, Artz 43
Puncture and
drainage done as required.
Artz provided by Seikagaku Corporation. M. Nakajima performed statistical analysis. |