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. 2022 Feb 28;82(2):184. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10096-4

Table 6.

Breakdown of 1010×aμ[ππ] by energy intervals. The displayed data for CHS18, DHMZ19 and KNT19 are extracted from Table 6 in [2]. The EBHLS2 fits are reported using BaBar and KLOE10/12, and the latter only together with the NSK, BESIII and Cleo-c dipion spectra, globally referred to as X. The data collected in the 1980s [76] are also part of X

s Interval (GeV) s0.6 0.6s0.9 0.9s1.0 s1.0
CHS18 [89] 110.1±0.9 369.6±1.7 15.3±0.1 495.0±2.6
DHMZ19 [90] 110.4±0.4±0.5 371.5±1.5±2.3 15.5±0.1±0.2 497.4±1.8±3.1
KNT19 [91] 108.7±0.9 369.8±1.3 15.3±0.1 493.8±1.9
KLOE + BaBar + X χ2/Npts: BaBar = 1.45, KLOE = 1.15, NSK = 1.10
Prob = 11.4% 108.83±0.09 369.06±0.62 15.36±0.38 493.19±0.73
KLOE +X χ2/Npts: KLOE = 1.03, NSK = 1.09
Prob = 90.0% (incl. τ) 107.79±0.12 366.76±0.73 15.16±0.42 489.70±0.84
Prob = 93.3% (excl. τ) 107.67±0.13 367.21±0.84 15.17±0.48 490.05±0.98