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. 2022 Feb 28;10(1):e2100161. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-21-00161


Roles of Key Informants Interviewed on SMC Coverage, Chad

Level Organization Role in SMC Program
National (n=4) NMCP Lead the national technical committee of SMC
Provide technical coordination of SMC activities from planning to implementation and evaluation
Central Pharmaceutical Drug Ensure safe storage and quality control of SMC drug
UNICEF Support SMC implementation including planning, monitoring and evaluation, activities implementation, and drug supply in relation to national strategy
National High Consultative Councils Mobilize resources from the Global Fund and provide strategy orientation
Conduct monitoring and evaluation of activities implemented by partners including United Nations Development Programme (the main recipient implementing SMC through NMCP)
District (n=4) Provincial Health Delegation of Hadjer Lamis Coordinate all health activities and programs in the province including SMC (representing the Ministry of Health)
District of Massaguet Conduct activities from planning to implementation and reporting of SMC activities and ensure the SMC implementation in the health centers
Conduct social mobilization
Ensure the safe drug storage and dispatching into health centers
Facility (n=2) Health center Conduct the SMC implementation, training of community distributors and supervisors, supervision of SMC drug administering, daily data reporting on SMC implementation, and stock reconciliation of drug
Community (n=4) Community Supervisors oversee community distributors’ activities including drug administering, data reporting, reference cases, and stock reconciliation
Village leaders sensitize community to adhere to SMC intervention and solve refusal cases

Abbreviations: NMCP, National Malaria Control Program; SMC, seasonal chemoprevention program.