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. 2021 Sep 28;50(3):387–402. doi: 10.1007/s10802-021-00848-3

Table 7.

Multi-level regression of infant dwell times on threat-relevant (versus happy) emotional expressions, age group, and parental gender, dwell times and anxiety dispositions (N = 195)

Fixed Effects Numerator df Denominator df F p
Intercept 1 194.79 0.57 0.453
Parent Gender (mother versus father) 1 193.96 1.97 0.162
Age group (12 and 18 versus 6-month-olds) 2 194.84 11.06  < 0.001
Emotion (threat-relevant versus happy) 2 298.31 12.59  < 0.001
Parental Dwell Times 1 441.72 4.86 0.028
Parental Anxiety Dispositions 1 193.97 0.01 0.934
Estimates of Fixed Effects
Parameter ß SE df t p 95% Confidence Intervals





Intercept -0.24 0.14 207.90 -1.76 0.080 -0.51 0.03
Mother (vs. Father) -0.19 0.14 193.96 -1.41 0.162 -0.46 0.08
12 versus 6-month-olds 0.55 0.15 194.25 3.65  < 0.001 0.25 0.85
18 versus 6-month-olds 0.67 0.15 195.70 4.42  < 0.001 0.37 0.97
Angry versus Happy -0.14 0.04 196.48 -3.12 0.002 -0.23 -0.05
Fearful versus Happy 0.08 0.04 324.14 1.74 0.083 -0.01 0.16
Parental Dwell Times 0.12 0.06 441.72 2.21 0.028 0.01 0.23
Parental Anxiety Dispositions 0.01 0.06 193.97 0.08 0.934 -0.12 0.13
Estimates of Covariance Parameters Estimate SE Wald Z P





Repeated Measures AR1 diagonal 0.195 0.022 8.916  < 0.001 0.156 0.243
AR1 rho 0.067 0.111 0.607 0.544 -0.15 0.28
Intercept [subject = ID] Variance 0.648 0.075 8.623  < 0.001 0.52 0.81

df degrees of freedom, F F-value, p significance level, ß Beta, SE Standard Error, t t-value