The core DDR genes with somatic and germline mutations in Chinese PDAC patients. a. The number of patients with the core DDR gene mutations in our cohort. Red bar represents germline DDR mutation only, blue bar represents somatic DDR mutation only, and yellow bar represents both. The mutational frequency of each gene is above bar. b. Violin plots compared the relationship between DDR status, somatic DDR status and germline DDR status and the age of the corresponding patients. The outline of the violins shows the mirrored kernel density, with the black dotted line indicating the median and quartile. Statistical comparisons were performed using Student's t-test. NS, not significant; *P < 0.05. c. Comparison of DDR status, somatic DDR status and germline DDR status with primary and metastatic PDAC tumors. Mutational frequencies of primary and metastasis were listed. Statistical comparisons were performed using two-sided Fisher's exact test. NS, not significant; ***P < 0.001. d. Violin plots compared the relationship between DDR status, somatic DDR status and germline DDR status and TMB level of the corresponding patients (n =1051). The outline of the violins shows the mirrored kernel density, with the black dotted line indicating the median and quartile. Statistical comparisons were performed using Mann-Whitney U test. NS, not significant; ***P < 0.001. e. Comparison of DDR status with 4 driver genes in Chinese PDAC patients. Mutational frequencies of primary and metastasis were listed. Statistical comparisons were performed using two-sided Fisher's exact test. NS, not significant; ***P < 0.001.