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. 2022 Jan 3;43(5):1720–1737. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25753


Behavioral tests results. Independent t tests comparing the behavioral scores between children with dyslexia and TR. Bonferroni‐corrected p < .0025

TR Children with dyslexia
Males Females Males Females Chi‐squared
Sex a 25 11 22 17 1.668, p > .05
Mean SD Mean SD Student's t test
Age 10.06 1.39 9.77 1.39 .915, p > .05
Reading measures


WJ—Standard score

104.36 11.84 85.21 15.6 6.049***

Oral comprehension

WJ passage comprehension—Standard score

105.53 11.77 84.47 14.03 7.141***

Phoneme deletion

CTOPP elision—Scaled score

11.17 2.26 7.84 2.81 5.722***

Phoneme blending

CTOPP blending words—Scaled score

10.94 2.46 8.19 2.73 4.68***

Word reading

TOWRE SWE—Standard score

104.25 10.93 82.4 14.35 7.48***

Pseudoword reading

TOWRE PDE—Standard score

102.97 10.20 82.65 12.67 7.745***

Word and nonword reading ability

TOWRE SWEPDE—Standard score

104.72 12.27 82.12 21.29 5.065***

Reading comprehension


54.91 26.63 25.67 24.39 5.05***

Letter and word reading

WJ letter word—Standard score

113.11 11.12 87.49 17.05 7.737***

Reading comprehension


59.46 30.04 25.42 19.23 6.063***
Visual attention

Visual attention

TEA‐Ch sky search—Scaled score

8.83 2.679 7.36 2.933 2.148, p = .035
Executive functions


DKEFS—Trail Making Test (letter‐word sequencing)—Scaled score

10.08 2.49 7.53 4 4.06***


DKEFS color‐word—Scaled score

10.17 2.65 8.68 3.02 2.03, p = .046

Working memory

WISC digit span—Scaled score

11.22 2.81 9.03 2.74 3.449***

Digit naming

CTOPP—Scaled score

9.81 2.47 7.37 3.04 3.85***
Basic verbal and nonverbal abilities

Nonverbal intelligence


72 20.26 54.18 21.98 3.612***

Receptive vocabulary

PPVT—Standard score

120.66 16.163 106.78 15.232 3.849***
Processing speed

Processing speed

WISC coding—Scaled score

9.56 2.27 7.8 2.98 2.863, p = .015

Note: Standard score is mean of 100, SD of 15; scaled score is mean of 10, SD of 3. ***p < .001.

Abbreviations: CTOPP, Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing; DKEF, Delis‐Kaplan Executive Functions; GORT, Gray Oral Reading Test; PDE, Phonemic Decoding Efficiency; PPVT, Peabody Picture‐Vocabulary Test; SD, Standard Deviation; SWE, Sight Word Efficiency; TEA‐Ch, Test of Everyday Attention for Children; TOSREC, Test Of Silent Reading Efficiency and Comprehension; TOWRE, Test of Word Reading Efficiency; TR, typical readers; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WJ, Woodcock‐Johnson IV Test of Achievement.


For the categorical variable gender, Pearson's chi‐squared test was utilized to identify differences between the groups.