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[Preprint]. 2022 Feb 22:2022.02.19.481089. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2022.02.19.481089

Fig. 5. Metabolic flux analysis on RNA-seq data from nasopharyngeal and autopsy patient.

Fig. 5.

A) Upset plot of the overlapping up regulated and down regulation metabolic fluxes with the nasopharyngeal and autopsy RNA-seq patient samples. The red color dots represent the up regulated metabolic fluxes and the blue color dots represent the down regulated fluxes. The bar chart on top are the number of overlapping metabolic fluxes for each intersect. The set size bar plot represents the total number of metabolic fluxes contained in each row. B), C), and D) Heatmaps of the of the log2 fold-change values for the significantly regulated fluxes in the OXPHOS, ROS detoxification, Vitamin D, and Mitochondrial Transport, major group flux pathways. The color bar represents the log2 fold-change values. The color of low but significant values are faint and may not be apparent in these heat maps.