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. 2022 Mar;28(3):721–724. doi: 10.3201/eid2803.212150

Table 1. Clinical-epidemiologic data of 31 disseminated histoplasmosis cases diagnosed in persons living with HIV/AIDS, University Hospital Dr. Miguel Riet Corrêa Jr., Rio Grande, Brazil, 2010–2019.

Variable Frequency, % (no./total no. participants)
M 74 (21/31)
26 (8/31)
Signs and symptoms
Weight loss 100 (31/31)
Fever (>37.8°C) 100 (31/31)
Respiratory: cough and/or dyspnea 100 (31/31)
Cutaneous: papular and/or ulcerated 52 (16/31)
Neurologic: disorientation, focal deficit, paresthesia, confusion, headache and/or hemiplegia 52 (16/31)
Digestive: abdominal distension and pain, diarrhea and/or nausea 81 (25/31)
Hepatomegaly 55 (17/31)
Splenomegaly 81 (25/31)
Generalized lymph node enlargement
35 (11/31)
Image exams
Interstitial lung pattern 55 (17/31)
Reticulonodular lung pattern 32 (10/31)
Pulmonary nodules 6 (2/31)
Mediastinal lymphadenopathy
26 (8/31)
Blood assays
Anemia 100 (31/31)
Inflammatory marker* 100 (31/31)
Liver damage marker† 84 (26/31)
Tissue injury marker‡ 87 (27/31)
74 (23/31)
HIV assays
CD4+ lymphocytes ≤100/mm3 71 (22/31)
CD4+ lymphocytes ≤50/mm3 48 (15/31)
HIV Viral load ≥50,000 copies
90 (26/29)
First choice antifungal treatment
None 3 (1/31)
Amphotericin B deoxycholate 81 (25/31)
16 (5/31)
Outcome after 12 months
Alive 65 (20/31)
Dead 35 (11/31)

*C-reactive protein increased. †Alkaline phosphatase increased. ‡Lactate dehydrogenase increased.