Figure 10.
Penetration of the selected HR compounds through in vitro BBB model membrane: (A) Schematic representation of a triple-coculture model of the BBB, which consists of astrocytes, pericytes and epithelial cells cultured on 24-well transwell membranes with 3 μm pores. Trans-endothelial electric resistance (TEER) was measured using a EVOM2 meter with a STX3 electrode (World Precision Instruments). (B) Measurements of the electric resistance of inserts used for specific compounds (Ω); Difference between resistance of the insert with established BBB versus empty insert (ΩBBB − Ωinsert); and trans-endothelial electric resistance (TEER; ΩBBB − Ωinsert/cm2). * TEER coefficient = TEERcompound/TEERcaffeine. TEER coefficients were used to normalize BBB permeability (P) values to compensate for differences in TEER values between inserts selected for each compound. (C) Differences in BBB permeability (P) calculated using P = VA·CA/(t·S·CL) eqution70 and normalized by TEER coefficient. Data represent average values from 2 independent experiments in triplicates (n = 6) with standard deviation SD. *Indicates values significantly different from fenofibrate (internal negative control).