Abbreviations | |||
Auricular branch of the vagal nerve | ABVN | Middle cerebral artery occlusion | MCAO |
Autonomic nervous system | ANS | Myeloperoxidase | MPO |
Blood brain barrier | BBB | Non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation | nVNS |
Blood oxygen level dependent | BOLD | Non-invasive VNS | nVNS |
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor | BDNF | Norepinephrine | NE |
Central nervous system | CNS | Nucleus tractus solitarious | NTS |
Cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway | CAP | Percutaneous auricular VNS | paVNS |
Dentate gyrus | DG | Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ | PPARγ |
Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI | DCE-MRI | Post-stroke insomnia | PSI |
Electromyogram | EMG | Spreading depolarization | SD |
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase | eNOS | Tight junction protein | TJP |
Food and Drug Administration | FDA | Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation | taVNS |
Fugl-meyer assessment-upper extremity | FMA-UE | Transcutaneous cervical vagus nerve stimulation | tcVNS |
Function independent measure | FIM | Transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation | tVNS |
Functional magnetic resonance imaging | fMRI | Traumatic brain injury | TBI |
Growth differentiation factor 11 | GDF11 | Tumor necrosis factor α | TNF-α |
Human high mobility group 1 | HMGB1 | Upper limb fugl-meyer | UFM |
Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis | HPA | Vagus nerve | VN |
Interleukin | IL | Vagus nerve stimulation | VNS |
Invasive vagus nerve stimulation | iVNS | Vascular endothelial growth factor | VEGF |
Ischemia/reperfusion | I/R | Wolf motor function test | WMFT |
Matrix metalloproteinase | MMP | α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor | α7nAchR |