Figure 3.
LA function correlates negatively with the apnoe-hypopnoea-index (AHI). Shown are scatter plots of AHI and LA reservoirs, conduit, and booster strain at baseline and follow-up. We performed two analyses for the follow-up data. First, patients were stratified patients for AHI measured at baseline to evaluate the intra-individual development of SDB and strain over time (middle panel). In this stratification, the correlation of AHI and LA reservoir strain was lost at follow-up. Second, patients were stratified for AHI measured during follow-up to assess the influence of AHI on LA strain (right panel). In this stratification, the negative correlation between AHI and La reservoir strain was highly significant. These results show that the AHI may be the main predictor of LA reservoir strain in contrast to other individual factors. Correlation scatter plots include p-values (bold letters signify statistical significance p < 0.05) and adjusted R2-values.