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. 1998 Jul;11(3):514–532. doi: 10.1128/cmr.11.3.514


Preparations of immune sera made in the pre-antibiotic era

Investigator(s) Yra Antibody preparation
Species studied Route of administration Reference(s)
Immunizing agent Species Route(s) Length of immunization
Maragliano 1895 Liquid culture of M. tuberculosis, heated to 100°C, filtered, and concentrated; and liquid culture of M. tuberculosis, filtered and evaporated by vacuum at 30°C (a later protocol was modified by the addition of ground, heat-killed bacilli to the inoculum) Horse s.c., i.v. 6 mo Guinea pigs, humans NSb 69, 70
Henry Phipps Institute 1905 Maragliano’s later protocol Cow s.c. NS Humans Hypodermic injections (most); oral administration (few patients) 38
Viquerat 1894 Liquid cultures of tubercle bacilli Donkey s.c., i.v. 45 days Guinea pigs NSb 3
Humans Hypodermic injections
Paquin 1895 Tuberculin and M. tuberculosis (in various states of alterations and dilutions) Horse NS 2–6 mo Humans Hypodermic injections 84, 86
Fisch 1897 T.R., T.O., and aqueous extracts of the nutrient agar Horse Injections NS Guinea pigs Injections 37
Monkeys Injections
Humans Hypodermic injections
De Scweinitz and Dorset 1897 Attenuated bacilli (culture fluid was added when horses were used) Cow, horse NS 15 mo Guinea pigs Injections 31
Humans Injections
Trudeau and Baldwin 1898 Tubercle bacilli (in different states of virulence) and tuberculin Horse, cow, sheep, fowl, ass, rabbit i.v., i.p., s.c. Months Guinea pigs s.c., i.p. 112, 113
Marmorek 1903 Filtrates of early cultures of tubercle bacilli (the bacilli lacked a complete waxy coat and thus did not maintain acid-fast stain) Horse Injections Few months Rabbits i.v., s.c. 71
Humans NS
Josset 1924 Attenuated M. tuberculosis Horse i.v., s.c. NS Guinea pigs s.c. 14, 5557
Humans NS
Vallée 1909 Low-virulence bacilli of equine origine, human bacilli, human bacilli cultures and “endotoxins” Horse i.v. NS Guinea pigs Injections 14, 115, 116
Humans NS
Spahlinger 1922 Various sera, each made with one of various “ectotoxins” and “endotoxins,” and dead and live bacilli (the sera to the various toxins and the antibacillary sera were combined in various proportions) Horse NSb NS Humans s.c. (mainly); other routes were used in special circumstances, e.g., p.o.c (for “abdominal TB”), injection into site of disease (for “surgical TB”) 108
Reenstierna 1934 Tubercle bacilli in different stages of growth: acid fast and non-acid fast (the latter devoid of its “wax envelope”) Sheep s.c. 4 mo Humans i.m. 50

Year of first report identified that describes the serum or its use. 


NS, not specified. 


p.o., orally.