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. 1998 Jul;11(3):533–554. doi: 10.1128/cmr.11.3.533


Quantitative PCR: thresholds and outcomes in different patient settings

Setting Reference No. of patients Breakpoints or associationsa Outcome
Renal transplant Fox et al. (57) 103 >106.5 DNA copies per ml of urine Higher association with CMV disease
Kühn et al. (102) 58 >1,000 DNA copies per 106 copies of cellular DNA Highly predictive for CMV disease
Cope et al. (43) 196 Each 0.25 log10 increase in baseline CMV DNA load in urine 2.8-fold increase in CMV disease risk
Toyoda et al. (170) 25 >500 DNA copies per 1 μg of total DNA Increased risk of CMV disease
Liver transplant Cope et al. (42) 162 Each 0.25 log10 increase in baseline CMV DNA load in whole blood 2.7-fold increase in CMV disease risk
104.75–105.25 DNA copies per ml Increased disease probability
Cardiac transplant Toyoda et al. (170) 95 >500 DNA copies per 1 μg of total DNA Increased risk of CMV disease
Allogeneic marrow transplant Zaia et al. (184) 117 >104 DNA copies per ml of plasma Increased risk of CMV disease after day 100 posttransplant
Gor et al. (77) 110 >104 DNA copies per ml of whole blood Odds ratio for disease, 6.46 (95% CIb, 1.5–27.4)
>105 DNA copies per ml of whole blood Odds ratio for disease 10.66 (95% CI, 1.8–60.5)
HIV Shinkai et al. (156) 94 >100 DNA copies per μl of plasma High predictive values for CMV disease
Rasmussen et al. (133) 75 >320 copies per μg of DNA Sustained level associated with CMV retinitis
>32 copies per 25 μl of plasma
Bowen et al. (31) 97 Each 0.25 log10 increase in baseline CMV DNA load in whole blood 1.37-fold increase in risk in CMV disease
Spector et al. (162) 201 Each log10 increase in baseline CMV DNA load in plasma 3.1-fold increase in risk in CMV disease; 2.2-fold increase in mortality

Shown are specific breakpoints or relative increases in quantitative CMV load that are associated with an increased risk of disease. 


CI, confidence interval.