Table A1.
Ecosystem Service Metric | Data Layer (Source) |
Atmospheric pollution removal | Percent canopy cover (USGS, 2013) |
Water availability | LULC (NLCD, 2008) Digital elevation (USGS, 2006) Mean annual precipitation (NOAA, 2008) Soil depth, available water content, average annual potential evapotranspiration (2008a-b, 2009a,b, 2012a-b) |
Volume of rainwater retained | LULC (NLCD, 2008) Hydrologic soil groups (2008a-b, 2009a,b, 2012a-b) |
Denitrification rate/Nitrogen fixation | LULC, percent impervious surface (NLCD, 2008) |
Nitrogen retention rate/Phosphorous retention rate | LULC (NLCD, 2008) |
Sediment retention rate | LULC (NLCD, 2008) |
Digital elevation (USGS, 2006) | |
Rainfall erosivity index, soil erodibility (NOAA, 2008) | |
Soil carbon content | LULC, percent impervious surface (NLCD, 2008) Percent canopy cover (USGS, 2013) |
Farmland quality | Important, prime, or potentially prime farmland (e.g., 2008a-b, 2009a, 2012a-b) |
Forest habitat cover | LULC (NLCD, 2008) |
Richness of endangered or threatened species/Richness of rare, endemic, or charismatic species | Species distribution (Gould et al., 2008) |
Temperature regulation through shading | LULC (NLCD, 2008) Percent canopy cover (USGS, 2013) |
Beach recreational opportunities | Coastline designated beach (Google Earth 2013; Travel and Sports, 2013) |
Coral reef habitat area/Mangrove habitat area/Value of finfish stock/Relative value of fishing, snorkeling, and swimming opportunities | Benthic habitat coverage (NOAA, 2008) |