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. 2020 Aug 5;2020(8):CD011504. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011504.pub3

11. Conditional cash transfers – overview of included studies.

Study name (year) country of conduct Study design Overall risk of biasa Other key detail of intervention Population (sample size at baseline: intervention/ control) Outcome domains and measures with available data Timepoint of measurement
Baird 2013
cRCT Low Programme name: Schooling, Income, and Health Risks study (SIHR). Includes unconditional and conditional groups.
Type, amount and frequency of payments: payments were split between guardian and girl in each HH. HH amount varied randomly from USD 4, USD 6, USD 8, to USD 10 per month. Amount paid to girl beneficiaries varied randomly from USD 1, USD 2, USD 3, USD 4, to USD 5 per month.
Conditionalities: school attendance for 80% of the days during the previous month.
Provider: 2 NGOs
Delivery: payments to girl beneficiaries at local distribution points
Co‐interventions: NR
Adolescent girls who were never married from urban and rural HHs (1211/1495 girls) Cognitive function and development:
  • Cognitive test score (Raven's Coloured matrices and other)

  • Psychological distress test score (GHQ‐12)

1 and 2 years
Macours 2012
cRCT Low Programme name: Atención a Crisis
Amount and frequency of payments: Standard payment of USD 145 per HH every 2 months. 3 intervention groups:
1. Standard transfer + education: additional USD 145 per HH and USD 25 per child for HHs with children aged 7–15 years; 2. Standard transfer + scholarship for vocational training; and 3. Standard transfer + lump sum to start non‐agricultural activity.
Conditionalities: 1. Regular health check‐ups for children aged 0–5 years, school enrolment; 2. regular attendance, however not monitored in practice; and 3. developing a business plan.
Provider: government
Delivery: payments to child's primary carer.
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor rural HHs with 2377 children aged < 6 years (3002/1019 HHs) HH expenditure on food:
  • Percentage of total expenditure

Anthropometric indicators:
  • WAZ

  • HAZ

  • Depression score (CES‐D)

Cognitive function and development:
  • Language test score (TVIP score)

Morbidity – child
  • Number of days ill in bed in the past month

9 months
(12 months for CES‐D)
Maluccio 2005
cRCT Low Programme name: Red de Protección Social
Amount and frequency of payments: amount NR; payments every 2 months.
Conditionalities: school attendance; preventive health care visits for children for growth and development monitoring, vaccination, and provision of antiparasites, vitamins, and iron supplements.
Provider: government. Preventive health services provided by private healthcare providers.
Delivery: NR
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor, rural HHs (1396 HHs) HH expenditure on food:
  • Percentage of total expenditure

Anthropometric indicators:
  • HAZ

  • WAZ

  • WHZ

1 and 2 years
Kusuma 2017a
cRCT Unclear Programme name: Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)
Amount and frequency of payments: USD 60–220 per HH per year, depending on the number and age of children in the HH.
Conditionalities: health: pre‐ and postnatal visits, iron supplementation and assisted deliveries for pregnant women, growth monitoring, immunisation and vitamin A supplementation of children aged < 5 years. Education: primary and junior secondary school enrolment and attendance rates of 85%.
Provider: government
Delivery: payment to mothers through local post offices
Co‐interventions: NR
Very poor urban HHs with children aged 24–36 months (1395 HHs) Anthropometry:
  • Underweight (WAZ < –2SD)

  • Severe underweight (WAZ < –3SD)

  • Wasting (WHZ < –2SD)

  • Severe wasting (WHZ < –3SD)

  • Stunting (HAZ < –2SD)

  • Severe stunting (HAZ < –3SD)

2 years
Gertler 2000 (PROGRESA)
cRCT Unclear Programme name: Oportunidades (previously known as PROGRESA)
Type, amount and frequency of payments: scholarships of up to MXN 490 (January–June 98) and MXN 625 per HH (July–December 1999), every 2 months; payments for school supplies; and monthly payments for food.
Conditionalities: health: attendance of preventive health services by every family member; growth monitoring and immunisation of children aged 0–5 years; nutrition supplements (for lactating women, children aged 6–23 months or low‐weight children), antenatal care for pregnant women. Education: school enrolment and school attendance > 85%.
Provider: government
Delivery: lump sum payment to mothers once completed forms were submitted by HHs to verify school attendance.
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor rural HHs
(506 villages; 320/186)
Anthropometric indicators:
  • HAZ

  • Stunting (HAZ < –2SD)

  • BMIZ

Biochemical indicators:
  • Anaemia

Cognitive function and development:
  • Cognitive test scores (verbal, cognitive, behavioural)

Morbidity – Child
  • Illness during past 4 weeks

8, 12, 15, 20 months, 10 years
Evans 2014
cRCT High Programme name: N/A
Amount and frequency of payments: USD 12–36, depending on the number of people in the HH, every 2 months.
Conditionalities: education: primary school enrolment and attendance for children aged 7–15 years; health: health facility visits for growth monitoring 6 times a year for children aged 0–5 years; vaccination and growth monitoring for children 0–2 years; yearly visit to health facility for elderly people (aged ≥ 60 years).
Provider: Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF), World bank
Delivery: payments disbursed by TASAF to bank accounts managed by local government authorities. Funds disbursed directly to community‐managed accounts who made payments to mothers.
Co‐interventions: transfers from government/TASAF or from NGOs/religious organisation
Poor HHs with vulnerable children or elderly people, or both
(80 villages; 40/40)
Anthropometric indicators: NR 30 and 42 month
Hidrobo 2014
cRCT High Programme name: N/A
Amount and frequency of payments: USD 40 per month per HH.
Conditionalities: attendance of monthly nutrition sensitisation training sessions by HH members.
Provider: World Food Programme (NPO)
Delivery: money transferred on to pre‐programmed debit cards.
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor urban HHs (2357 HHs) HH expenditure on food:
  • Proportion of total expenditure per month

Dietary diversity:
  • DDI

  • HDDS

  • FCS

7 months
Kandpal 2016
cRCT High Programme name: Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Programme
Type, amount and frequency of payments: health grant of PHP 500 (USD 11) per HH per month; education grant of PHP 300 (USD 6.50) per child per month for ≤ 10 months/year, and for ≤ 3 children in the HH. Payments every 2 months.
Conditionalities: health: clinic visits for immunisation and vaccination, growth monitoring, and management of childhood disease in children aged < 5 years; antenatal care for pregnant women, starting from the first trimester; school‐aged children (6–14 years) to receive deworming tablets 2 times/year; and HHs with children 0–14 years, the HH grantee (mother) or spouse (or both) had to attend family development sessions monthly. Education: enrolment of children aged 6–14 years in primary or secondary school and 85% school attendance every month.
Provider: government
Delivery: NR
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor HHs with children aged 0–14 years or pregnant women (714/ 704 HHs) Anthropometric indicators:
  • WAZ

  • Underweight (WAZ < –2SD)

  • Severely underweight (WAZ < –3SD)

  • HAZ

  • Stunted (HAZ < –2SD)

  • Severely stunted (HAZ < –3SD)

Morbidity – child:
  • Seeking treatment for child for fever, cough or diarrhoeal disease in past 2 weeks

36 months
Kurdi 2019
cRCT High Programme name: Cash for Nutrition programme
Amount and frequency of payments: payments every 3 months (YER 30,000 per month for 9 months in 2015; YER 10,000 (USD 30) per month for 12 months in 2016/2017) to mothers of children aged 2 years of age and pregnant women.
Conditionalities: attending monthly nutrition‐focused trainings, complying with child monitoring and treatment of malnutrition. Attendance tracked but conditionality not strictly enforced.
Provider: government, Yemen Emergency Crisis Response Project (funded by the World Bank)
Delivery: nutrition sessions delivered by trained local women. Details of cash transfer not reported.
Co‐interventions: unspecified other food distribution programmes.
Women from poor and vulnerable (1001/999 women) Diet diversity:
  • HDDS

Anthropometric indicators:
  • HAZ

  • WHZ

2.5 years
Andersen 2015
Prospective controlled study High Programme name: Juntos
Amount and frequency of payments: PEN 100 (30 US dollars) each month regardless of HH composition.
Conditionalities: regular health visits for children aged < 5 years, or pregnant and lactating women. Children aged 6–14 years with primary school attendance ≥ 85%.
Provider: Peruvian government
Delivery: NR
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor HHs with children aged 6–18 months (374/586 children) Anthropometric indicators:
  • HAZ

  • Stunting (HAZ < –2SD)

  • BMIZ

Cognitive function and development:
  • Language (TVIP) score

  • Grade attainment

Adverse effects:
  • Overweight (BMIZ > 2SD)

< 2 years and ≥ 2 years
Ferre 2014
Prospective controlled study High Programme name: Shombhob project
Amount and frequency of payments: BDT 400 per months for HHs with children 0–36 months and BDT 400 per month for HHs with primary school children (6–15 years).
Conditionalities: Health: Attending growth monitoring of children aged 0 – 36 months, and nutrition session for mother/carer. Education: school attendance of at least 80% every month.
Provider: Government
Delivery: Cash cards provided to beneficiary mothers. Electronic transfer to their accounts with the Bangladesh Post Office (BPO). Withdrawal from mobile machines on a designated day during each payment cycle in each village, or from Upazila BPO branch office at any time point.
Rural HHs (700/1587) HH expenditure on food:
  • Proportion of total expenditure

Dietary diversity:
  • MDD

Anthropometric indicators:
  • Stunting (HAZ < –2SD)

  • Wasting (WHZ < –2SD)

  • Underweight (WAZ < –2SD)

13 months
Huerta 2006 (PROGRESA) (Mexico) Prospective controlled study High Programme name: Oportunidades (previously known as PROGRESA)
Type, amount and frequency of payments: SeeGertler 2000 (PROGRESA)
Conditionalities: seeGertler 2000 (PROGRESA)
Provider: Mexican government
Delivery: seeGertler 2000 (PROGRESA)
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor rural HHs with ≥ 1 child aged < 5 years (205/142 communities) Anthropometric indicators:
  • LAZ or HAZ

  • WAZ

  • WLZ or WHZ

Biochemical indicators:
  • Anaemia

  • Hb

Morbidity – child:
  • Respiratory infection during the past 2 weeks

  • Diarrhoeal disease during the past 2 weeks

14 and 26 months
Leroy 2008 (PROGRESA)
Prospective controlled study High Programme name: Oportunidades (previously known as PROGRESA)
Type, amount and frequency of payments: USD 32.5–41.3 per month (see Gertler 2000 (PROGRESA))
Conditionalities: seeGertler 2000 (PROGRESA)
Provider: government of Mexico
Delivery: see Gertler 2000 (PROGRESA)
Co‐interventions: NR
Poor and vulnerable urban HHs
(733 children aged 0–24 months)
Anthropometric indicators:
  • HAZ

  • WHZ

2 years
Lopez Arana 2016
Prospective controlled study High Programme name: Familias en Acción
Type, amount and frequency of payments:
COP 40,000 for children aged < 7 years; COP 14,000 per primary school and COP 28,000 per secondary school child. Periodic payments.
Conditionalities: children aged < 7 years to attend vaccination programmes and growth and development check‐ups regularly; children aged 7–17 years to attend ≥ 80% of school lessons.
Provider: government, World Bank and Inter‐American Development Bank
Delivery: transfer of cash to mothers into the HH bank account.
Co‐interventions: some children participated in a childcare supplementary nutrition and psychosocial stimulation programme (Hogares Comunitarios programme).
Poor HHs with children aged 0–17 years (9293/4424) Anthropometric indicators:
  • HAZ

  • Stunting (HAZ < –2SD)

  • BMIZ

  • Thinness (BMIZ < –2SD)

Adverse events:
  • Overweight (BMIZ > 1)

  • Obesity (BMIZ > 2)

About 4 years

aOverall Risk of Bias based on risk of selection and attrition bias.

BMIZ: body mass index‐for‐age z‐score; CES‐D: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; COP: Colombian peso; cRCT: cluster randomised controlled trial; DDI: Dietary Diversity Index; FCS: Food Consumption Score; GHQ‐12: 12‐item General Health Questionnaire; HAZ: height‐for‐age z‐score; Hb: haemoglobin; HDDS: Household Dietary Diversity Score; HH: household; LAZ: length‐for‐age z‐score; MXN: Mexican peso; N/A: not applicable/available; non‐governmental organisation; NPO: non‐profit organisation; NR: not reported; PEN: Yemeni rial; PHP: Philippine peso; TVIP: Test de Vocabulario en Imagenes Peabody; WAZ: weight‐for‐age z‐score; WHZ: weight‐for‐height z‐score; WLZ: weight‐for‐length z‐score; YER: Yemeni rial.