Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL 1946 to 13 February 2020 |
14 February 2020 |
# |
Searches |
Results |
1 |
*Nutritional Status/ |
24020 |
2 |
*Diet/ |
75748 |
3 |
*Body Mass Index/ |
20334 |
4 |
*Food Supply/ |
8018 |
5 |
*Nutrition Assessment/ |
7302 |
6 |
(nutrition* or food? or diet*).ti. |
379668 |
7 |
((diet* or food? or nutrition*) adj (status or consumption or diversity)).ab. |
44392 |
8 |
((improv* or increas* or enhanc* or influenc*) adj3 (diet* or food? or nutrition*) adj3 (health* or access* or consum*)).ab. |
5207 |
9 |
or/1‐8 |
453177 |
10 |
*Social Welfare/ |
5470 |
11 |
*Community Health Services/ |
19647 |
12 |
*Public Assistance/ |
1679 |
13 |
*Financing, Government/ |
8775 |
14 |
*Government Programs/ |
2776 |
15 |
*Community Participation/ |
9614 |
16 |
((social or economic or welfare or agricultural or labo?r or antipoverty or anti‐poverty) adj (program* or service? or support or intervention*)).ti,ab. |
49542 |
17 |
((food? or diet* or nutrition* or vegetable? or fruit? or agricultural) adj (class* or session* or program* or service? or production)).ti,ab. |
15688 |
18 |
or/10‐17 |
110111 |
19 |
9 and 18 |
8935 |
20 |
((food or nutrition*) adj (secur* or insecur* or poverty or sufficien* or insufficien*)).mp. |
9377 |
21 |
((food or foods or foodstuff* or fruit? or vegetable? or grocer* or nutrition*) adj1 (budget* or shopping or purchas* or expend* or spend* or spent or buy* or acquisition or acquir*)).mp. |
3022 |
22 |
((tax or taxes or taxation or subsidy or subsidies or subsidi?ed or voucher* or coupon* or discount* or stamp?) adj2 (food or foods or foodstuff* or grocer* or fruit* or vegetable* or nutrition* or meal or meals)).mp. |
907 |
23 |
((cash or in‐kind or price) adj (transfer* or subsidy or subsidies)).mp. |
733 |
24 |
(food adj (assistance or aid)).mp. |
1570 |
25 |
Food Assistance/ |
976 |
26 |
Food/ec [Economics] |
1172 |
27 |
Diet/ec [Economics] |
987 |
28 |
or/19‐27 |
23384 |
29 |
exp animals/ not humans/ |
4673892 |
30 |
28 not 29 |
22037 |
31 |
(Afghan* or Bangladesh* or Benin* or Burkina Faso or Burkinabe or Burundi* or Cambodia* or Central African Republic or Central African* or Chad* or Comoros or Comorian* or Congo* or Eritrea* or Ethiopia* or Gambia* or Ghana* or Guinea‐Bissau* or Haiti* or Kenya* or Kyrgyz Republic or Kyrgyzstani or Lao* or Liberia* or Madagascar or Malagasy or Malawi* or Mali* or Mauritania* or Mozambique or Mozambican or Myanmar* or Burma or Burmese or Nepal* or Niger* or Rwanda* or Sierra Leone* or Solomon Islands or Solomon Islanders or Somali* or Tajikistan* or Tanzania* or Togo* or Uganda* or Zambia* or Zimbabwe*).mp. |
840737 |
32 |
(Angola* or Armenia* or Belize* or Bhutan* or Bolivia* or Cameroon* or Cape Verd* or China or Chinese or Cote dIvoire or Ivorian or Djibouti or Ecuador* or Egypt* or El Salvador or Salvadoran or Guatemala* or Guyana or Guyanese or Hondura* or India* or Indonesia* or Iraq* or Jordan* or Kiribati or Kosov* or Lesotho or Mosotho or Basotho or Maldiv* or Marshall Islands or Marshallese or Micronesia* or Moldova* or Mongolia* or Morocc* or Nicaragua* or Nigeria* or Pakistan* or Papua New Guinea* or Paraguay* or Philippines or Filipino or Samoa* or Senegal* or Sri Lanka* or Sudan* or Swaziland or Swazi or Syrian Arab Republic or Syria* or Thailand or Thai or Timor Leste or East Timorese or Tonga* or Tunisia* or Turkmen* or Tuvalu* or Ukrain* or Uzbekistan* or Uzbek or Vanuatu or Vietnam* or West Bank or Gaza or Palestinian* or Yemen*).mp. |
920050 |
33 |
(Albania* or Algeria* or American Samoa or Antigua* or Barbuda* or Argentin* or Azerbaijan* or Belarus* or Bosnia* or Herzegovin* or Botswana or Motswana or Batswana or Brazil* or Bulgaria* or Chile* or Colombia* or Costa Rica* or Cuba* or Dominica* or Dominican Republic or Fiji* or Gabon* or Grenad* or Iran* or Jamaica* or Kazakhstan* or Leban* or Libya* or Lithuania* or Macedonia* or Malaysia* or Mauriti* or Mayotte or Mahoran or Mexic* or Montenegr* or Namibia* or Palau* or Panama* or Peru* or Romania* or Russia* or Serbia* or Seychell* or South Africa* or St Lucia* or Suriname* or Turk* or Uruguay* or Venezuela*).mp. |
625717 |
34 |
Developing Countries/ |
73775 |
35 |
(lmic or lmics).mp. |
4361 |
36 |
((low income or medium income) adj5 (country or countries or nation or nations or state or states)).mp. |
8741 |
37 |
(least developed adj (country or countries or nation or nations or state or states)).mp. |
257 |
38 |
(developing adj (countr* or nation? or state?)).mp. |
125319 |
39 |
((united nations or world health organization or world bank or unicef) and ((food or nutrition*) adj3 (program* or project* or fund))).mp. |
340 |
40 |
or/31‐39 |
2305368 |
41 |
30 and 40 |
7034 |
42 |
(randomized controlled trial or controlled clinical trial).pt. |
589397 |
43 |
random*.mp. |
1339226 |
44 |
comparative study.pt. |
1854534 |
45 |
control groups/ or control group*.mp. or follow‐up studies/ or follow‐up stud*.mp. or follow‐up assessment.mp. or prospective studies/ or prospectiv*.mp. or non‐random*.mp. or nonrandom*.mp. |
1813129 |
46 |
(before after stud* or (time and series) or retrospective* or longitud* or (controlled and cohort* and stud*)).mp. |
1459595 |
47 |
"before and after".mp. |
266393 |
48 |
(controlled before or pre test or pretest or posttest or post test or pre intervention or post intervention).mp. |
43847 |
49 |
controlled before‐after studies/ or interrupted time series analysis/ |
1253 |
50 |
or/42‐49 |
5401950 |
51 |
41 and 50 |
1621 |
52 |
limit 51 to yr="1980 ‐Current" |
1615 |