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. 2020 Aug 5;2020(8):CD011504. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011504.pub3
Ovid MEDLINE(R) ALL 1946 to 13 February 2020
14 February 2020
# Searches Results
1 *Nutritional Status/ 24020
2 *Diet/ 75748
3 *Body Mass Index/ 20334
4 *Food Supply/ 8018
5 *Nutrition Assessment/ 7302
6 (nutrition* or food? or diet*).ti. 379668
7 ((diet* or food? or nutrition*) adj (status or consumption or diversity)).ab. 44392
8 ((improv* or increas* or enhanc* or influenc*) adj3 (diet* or food? or nutrition*) adj3 (health* or access* or consum*)).ab. 5207
9 or/1‐8 453177
10 *Social Welfare/ 5470
11 *Community Health Services/ 19647
12 *Public Assistance/ 1679
13 *Financing, Government/ 8775
14 *Government Programs/ 2776
15 *Community Participation/ 9614
16 ((social or economic or welfare or agricultural or labo?r or antipoverty or anti‐poverty) adj (program* or service? or support or intervention*)).ti,ab. 49542
17 ((food? or diet* or nutrition* or vegetable? or fruit? or agricultural) adj (class* or session* or program* or service? or production)).ti,ab. 15688
18 or/10‐17 110111
19 9 and 18 8935
20 ((food or nutrition*) adj (secur* or insecur* or poverty or sufficien* or insufficien*)).mp. 9377
21 ((food or foods or foodstuff* or fruit? or vegetable? or grocer* or nutrition*) adj1 (budget* or shopping or purchas* or expend* or spend* or spent or buy* or acquisition or acquir*)).mp. 3022
22 ((tax or taxes or taxation or subsidy or subsidies or subsidi?ed or voucher* or coupon* or discount* or stamp?) adj2 (food or foods or foodstuff* or grocer* or fruit* or vegetable* or nutrition* or meal or meals)).mp. 907
23 ((cash or in‐kind or price) adj (transfer* or subsidy or subsidies)).mp. 733
24 (food adj (assistance or aid)).mp. 1570
25 Food Assistance/ 976
26 Food/ec [Economics] 1172
27 Diet/ec [Economics] 987
28 or/19‐27 23384
29 exp animals/ not humans/ 4673892
30 28 not 29 22037
31 (Afghan* or Bangladesh* or Benin* or Burkina Faso or Burkinabe or Burundi* or Cambodia* or Central African Republic or Central African* or Chad* or Comoros or Comorian* or Congo* or Eritrea* or Ethiopia* or Gambia* or Ghana* or Guinea‐Bissau* or Haiti* or Kenya* or Kyrgyz Republic or Kyrgyzstani or Lao* or Liberia* or Madagascar or Malagasy or Malawi* or Mali* or Mauritania* or Mozambique or Mozambican or Myanmar* or Burma or Burmese or Nepal* or Niger* or Rwanda* or Sierra Leone* or Solomon Islands or Solomon Islanders or Somali* or Tajikistan* or Tanzania* or Togo* or Uganda* or Zambia* or Zimbabwe*).mp. 840737
32 (Angola* or Armenia* or Belize* or Bhutan* or Bolivia* or Cameroon* or Cape Verd* or China or Chinese or Cote dIvoire or Ivorian or Djibouti or Ecuador* or Egypt* or El Salvador or Salvadoran or Guatemala* or Guyana or Guyanese or Hondura* or India* or Indonesia* or Iraq* or Jordan* or Kiribati or Kosov* or Lesotho or Mosotho or Basotho or Maldiv* or Marshall Islands or Marshallese or Micronesia* or Moldova* or Mongolia* or Morocc* or Nicaragua* or Nigeria* or Pakistan* or Papua New Guinea* or Paraguay* or Philippines or Filipino or Samoa* or Senegal* or Sri Lanka* or Sudan* or Swaziland or Swazi or Syrian Arab Republic or Syria* or Thailand or Thai or Timor Leste or East Timorese or Tonga* or Tunisia* or Turkmen* or Tuvalu* or Ukrain* or Uzbekistan* or Uzbek or Vanuatu or Vietnam* or West Bank or Gaza or Palestinian* or Yemen*).mp. 920050
33 (Albania* or Algeria* or American Samoa or Antigua* or Barbuda* or Argentin* or Azerbaijan* or Belarus* or Bosnia* or Herzegovin* or Botswana or Motswana or Batswana or Brazil* or Bulgaria* or Chile* or Colombia* or Costa Rica* or Cuba* or Dominica* or Dominican Republic or Fiji* or Gabon* or Grenad* or Iran* or Jamaica* or Kazakhstan* or Leban* or Libya* or Lithuania* or Macedonia* or Malaysia* or Mauriti* or Mayotte or Mahoran or Mexic* or Montenegr* or Namibia* or Palau* or Panama* or Peru* or Romania* or Russia* or Serbia* or Seychell* or South Africa* or St Lucia* or Suriname* or Turk* or Uruguay* or Venezuela*).mp. 625717
34 Developing Countries/ 73775
35 (lmic or lmics).mp. 4361
36 ((low income or medium income) adj5 (country or countries or nation or nations or state or states)).mp. 8741
37 (least developed adj (country or countries or nation or nations or state or states)).mp. 257
38 (developing adj (countr* or nation? or state?)).mp. 125319
39 ((united nations or world health organization or world bank or unicef) and ((food or nutrition*) adj3 (program* or project* or fund))).mp. 340
40 or/31‐39 2305368
41 30 and 40 7034
42 (randomized controlled trial or controlled clinical trial).pt. 589397
43 random*.mp. 1339226
44 comparative 1854534
45 control groups/ or control group*.mp. or follow‐up studies/ or follow‐up stud*.mp. or follow‐up or prospective studies/ or prospectiv*.mp. or non‐random*.mp. or nonrandom*.mp. 1813129
46 (before after stud* or (time and series) or retrospective* or longitud* or (controlled and cohort* and stud*)).mp. 1459595
47 "before and after".mp. 266393
48 (controlled before or pre test or pretest or posttest or post test or pre intervention or post intervention).mp. 43847
49 controlled before‐after studies/ or interrupted time series analysis/ 1253
50 or/42‐49 5401950
51 41 and 50 1621
52 limit 51 to yr="1980 ‐Current" 1615