Figure 4.
Reversal of the impact of the Duox2 mutation by supplementation with T4. (A) Body mass between 4 and 10 weeks old (g/week), (B) body-mass-adjusted daily energy expenditure (kJ/day) and (C) daily food intake (kJ/day) in respirometry chamber, (D) accumulated daily distance moved (m/day), (E) body-mass-adjusted kidney mass and (F) levels of T3-triiodothyronine and (G) T4-thyroxine (nmol/L) in mutant homozygous (Duox2A625T/A625T) mice carrying a giant-panda-specific mutation in the Duox2 gene; exposed (T4) and non-exposed (Co) to 0.5 µg/mL of T4 supplementation; LSM with SE.