Figure 2.
CBX4 decreased with WI-38 serial culture. CBX4 protein and gene expression were investigated in each generation of the WI-38 serial culture. Protein expression was examined by Western blot and normalized with β-actin. Gene expression was analyzed by qPCR and normalized with YWHAZ. Decreased CBX4 protein expression with serial culture is shown in a representative Western blot (a). CBX4 protein expression (n = 3) and gene expression (n = 2) in serial culture were normalized to controls and depicted as an expression ratio relative to CPD 41 ((b) left, protein) and CPD 39 ((b) right, gene). The Rmcorr correlation coefficient (rrm) and confidence interval of CPD with CBX4 protein and gene expression are depicted (c) for repeated measurements. Green: negative correlation. Red: positive correlation.