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. 2022 Feb 17;16:806987. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.806987


Sociodemographic characteristics among the four attachment groups.

Total (N = 56) F Ds E U Φ p
n = 19 n = 24 n = 7 n = 6
Sex (%)
Male 63.2 41.7 42.9 83.3 0.28 0.210
Female 36.8 58.3 57.1 16.7
Living situation (%)
Living alone/foster care 0 8.3 0 33.3 0.38 0.041
Living with parents 100 91.7 100 66.7
Amount of siblings (%)
Single child 5.3 0 0 0 0.34 0.687
One sibling 47.4 50.0 57.1 33.3
Two siblings 26.3 41.7 14.3 33.3
More than two siblings 21.1 8.3 28.6 33.3
Marital status of parents
Married/partnership 73.7 83.3 42.9 66.7 0.36 0.317
Single/divorced 21.1 16.7 57.1 33.3
Deceased 5.3 0 0 0
Attending school 94.7 95.8 100.0 100.0 0.24 0.770
Employed/trainee 0 4.2 0 0
Unemployed 5.3 0 0 0

M SD M SD M SD M SD F df p

Age 16.26 1.05 15.96 1.20 15.57 0.98 16.33 1.03 0.857 3 0.469

F, secure; Ds, insecure-dismissing; E, insecure-preoccupied; U, unresolved.