Method | Number of interactions | Host proteins | Pathogen proteins |
Interolog-based | |||
IntAct | 216,185 | 9,645 | 1,560 |
MINT | 20,934 | 2,842 | 519 |
HPIDB | 3,037 | 1,153 | 306 |
BioGRID | 415,450 | 11,543 | 1,911 |
DIP | 8,147 | 1,795 | 581 |
STRING | 11,760,939 | 49,973 | 1,348 |
Total (Interolog) | 11,916,848 | 49,995 | 2,202 |
Domain-based | |||
3did | 86,622 | 8,476 | 1,695 |
IDDI | 2,574,097 | 13,693 | 2,430 |
DOMINE | 1,052,624 | 9,540 | 1,780 |
Total (Domain) | 2,960,634 | 14,328 | 2,515 |
Interolog + Domain (combined) | 14,186,848 | 50,629 | 2,932 |
Interolog + Domain (consensus) | 690,634 | 10,935 | 1,386 |
Interolog (unique) | 11,226,214 | 49,993 | 2,192 |
Domain (unique) | 2,270,000 | 14,134 | 2,497 |
Total (Interolog): The predicted HPIs from all the six interolog databases were merged and duplicates were removed.
Total (Domain): The predicted HPIs from all the three domain databases were merged and duplicates were removed.
Interolog + Domain (combined): The predicted HPIs from both the methods were merged and the duplicates were removed.
Interolog + Domain (consensus): For both the methods, given the large number of interactions, the consensus of the predicted HPIs was preferred, to minimize the presence of false positives.
Interolog (unique): The unique HPIs containing the interactions only from interolog-based method.
Domain (unique): The unique HPIs containing the interactions only from domain-based method.