Polymorphonuclear cells |
0 |
Rare, 1-5/phf* |
6-10/phf |
Heavy infiltrate |
Packed |
Lymphocytes |
0 |
Rare, 1-5/phf |
6-10/phf |
Heavy infiltrate |
Packed |
Plasma cells |
0 |
Rare, 1-5/phf |
6-10/phf |
Heavy infiltrate |
Packed |
Macrophages |
0 |
Rare, 1-5/phf |
6-10/phf |
Heavy infiltrate |
Packed |
Giant cells |
0 |
Rare, 1-2/phf |
3-5/phf |
Heavy infiltrate |
Packed |
Necrosis |
0 |
Minimal |
Mild |
Moderate |
Marked |
Fibrinous exudates |
0 |
Minimal |
Mild |
Moderate |
Marked |
Tissue degeneration |
0 |
Minimal |
Mild |
Moderate |
Marked |
Neovascularization |
0 |
Minimal capillary proliferation focal, 1-3 buds |
Groups of 4–7 capillaries with supporting fibroblastic structures |
Broad band of capillaries with supporting structures |
Extensive band of capillaries with supporting fibroblastic structures |
Fibrocytes/fibroconnective tissue, fibrosis |
0 |
Narrow band |
Moderately thick band |
Thick band |
Extensive band |
Fatty infiltrate |
0 |
Minimal amount of fat associated with fibrosis |
Several layers of fat and fibrosis |
Elongated and broad accumulation of fat cells about the implant site |
Extensive fat surrounding the implant |
Additional Parameters |
Overall Inflammation, Inflammation within Gingiva (away from membrane), Inflammation Associated with membrane/Membrane Area, Inflammation Associated with Bone Filler, New Bone Growth, Soft Tissue Infiltration, Hemorrhage, Amount of Void/Empty Space |
Absent |
Minimal |
Mild |
Moderate |
Marked |