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. 2022 Mar 3;2022(3):CD014328. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD014328

3. Outcomes included in analyses.

Study ID Pain Function Knee‐specific and generic health‐related quality of life Participant‐reported treatment success Knee surgery (replacement or osteotomy) Serious and total adverse events Progression of knee OA
Chang 1993 AIMS Pain AIMS Physical Function Patient global assessment measured on VAS
Gauffin 2014 KOOS Pain KOOS ADL KOOS QoL (knee‐specific),
EQ‐5D (generic)
Improvement in the KOOS‐Pain score of > 10 points from baseline Yes Yes
Herrlin 2007 KOOS Pain KOOS ADL KOOS QoL (knee‐specific) Yes
Katz 2013 KOOS Pain WOMAC Physical Function Improvement in the WOMAC‐Physical Function score of at least 8 points Yes Yes
Kirkley 2008 WOMAC Pain WOMAC Physical Function Standard‐gamble utility score (generic)
Kise 2016 KOOS Pain KOOS ADL KOOS QoL (knee‐specific),
SF‐36 MCS (generic)
Yes Yes Yes
Merchan 1993 Increase in post‐treatment modified Hospital for Special Surgery Knee Rating Score of at least 10 points Yes
Moseley 1996 Average intensity of knee pain (NRS) Satisfaction with surgery measured as number of participants reporting 'strongly agree' or 'slightly agree' for item 'do you feel the operation was worthwhile?'
Moseley 2002 SF‐36 Pain SF‐36 Physical Function a
Osteras 2012 VAS Pain at rest KOOS
Roos 2018 KOOS Pain KOOS ADL KOOS QoL (knee‐specific),
SF‐36 MCS (generic)
Global perceived effect (rating of 'better' or 'much better') Total adverse events onlya
Saeed 2015 Pain on Knee Society Score System (KSSS) Total adverse events only
Sihvonen 2013 Knee pain after exercise (NRS) Lysholm Knee Score WOMET score (knee‐specific), 15D (generic) Number of participants reporting 'much better' or 'better' for item 'Is your knee better than before the intervention? Yes Yes Yes
Van de Graaf 2018 VAS Pain on weight‐bearing International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) Subjective Knee Form Yes Yes Yes
Vermesan 2013 Oxford Knee Score
Yim 2013 VAS Pain during activity Lysholm Knee Score Satisfaction with management, measured as number of participants reporting 'very satisfied' or 'satisfied' Yes

aUnclear whether serious adverse events occurred in both treatment groups or only in the arthroscopy group

ADL: activities of daily living; AIMS: Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale; NRS: numerical rating scale; EQ‐5D 3L: EuroQoL 5‐dimension 3‐level quality of life questionnaire; OA: osteoarthritis; KOOS: Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score; QoL/QOL: quality of life; SF‐36: 36‐item Short Form Health Survey; VAS: visual analogue scale; WOMAC: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index

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