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. 2022 Feb 27;15:2207–2214. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S355083

Table 1.

Differences in Demographic Characteristics, Clinical Characteristics, Serum Biomarkers, and Treatments Among Patients Who Survived versus Died in a Sample of Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19

Died (n = 185) Survived (n = 1441) Total (n = 1626) p-valuea
n % (Within Row) n % (Within Row) n % (of Total)
Age (years) 18 to 39 1 0.8 125 99.2 126 7.8 <0.01b
40 to 49 4 2.4 161 97.6 165 10.2 -
50 to 64 24 6.1 373 94 397 24.4 -
65 to 74 55 12.6 382 87.4 437 26.9 -
74 and older 101 20.2 400 79.8 501 30.8 -
Gender Male 95 11.8 712 88.2 807 49.6 0.62
Female 90 11 729 89 819 50.4 -
BMI <18.5 8 17 39 83 47 3 <0.01b
18.5- <25.0 44 15.7 236 84.3 280 18 -
25.0 - <30.0 51 12.1 371 87.9 422 27.1 -
30.0 - <35.0 23 7.4 290 92.7 313 20.1 -
35 and greater 46 9.3 449 90.7 495 31.8 -
Marital status Married 70 8.8 724 91.2 794 49.6 <0.001b
Single 31 9.8 284 90.2 315 19.7 -
Divorced/Separated/Widowede 79 16.1 412 83.9 491 30.7 -
ARF Yes 143 21.3 530 78.8 673 41.4 <0.001
No 42 4.4 911 95.6 953 58.6 -
CKD Yes 124 21.5 452 78.5 576 35.4 <0.001
No 61 5.8 989 94.2 1050 64.6 -
Liver cirrhosis Yes 7 29.2 17 70.8 24 1.5 0.01c
No 178 11.1 1424 88.9 1602 98.5 -
Hepatitis Yes 2 18.2 9 81.8 11 4.9 1.0c
No 35 16.3 180 83.7 215 95.1 -
Dementia Yes 39 22.5 134 77.5 173 10.6 <0.001
No 146 10.1 1307 90 1453 89.4 -
CHF Yes 85 28.8 210 71.2 295 18.1 <0.001
No 100 7.5 1231 92.5 1331 81.9 -
Cancer Yes 14 20.6 54 79.4 68 4.2 0.02
No 171 11 1387 89 1558 95.8 -
Hypertension Yes 143 13.9 889 86.1 1032 63.5 <0.001
No 42 7.1 552 92.9 594 36.5 -
TIA Yes 25 16.2 129 83.8 154 9.5 0.046
No 160 10.9 1312 89.1 1472 90.5 -
COPD Yes 63 15.3 350 84.8 413 25.4 0.004
No 122 10.1 1091 89.9 1213 74.6 -
Stroke Yes 8 20.5 31 79.5 39 2.4 0.08c
No 177 11.2 1410 88.9 1587 97.6 -
Pulmonary embolism Yes 7 22.6 24 77.4 31 1.9 0.08c
No 178 11.2 1417 88.9 1595 98.1 -
Type 2 diabetes mellitus Yes 82 13.1 546 86.9 628 38.6 0.09
No 103 10.3 895 89.7 998 61.4 -
Lipid disorders Yes 71 13 474 87 545 33.5 0.14
No 114 10.6 967 89.5 1081 66.5 -
Tobacco dependence Yes 15 11.3 118 88.7 133 8.2 0.97
No 170 11.4 1323 88.6 1493 91.8 -
Alcohol dependence Yes 0 0 19 1.3 19 1.2 0.16c
No 185 11.5 1422 98.7 1607 98.8 -
Opiate dependence Yes 146 12.9 982 87.1 1128 69.4 0.003
No 39 7.8 459 92.2 498 30.6 -
Remdesivir use Yes 82 11.9 606 88.1 688 42.3 0.56
No 103 1 835 89 938 57.7 -
Dexamethasone use Yes 155 12.3 1103 87.7 1258 77.4 0.03
No 30 8.1 338 91.9 368 22.6 -
ICU stay Yes 61 27.1 164 72.9 225 13.8 <0.001
No 124 8.9 1277 91.2 1401 86.2 -
Length of stay (days) <5 43 8 494 92 537 33 <0.01
5 to <10 45 7.4 563 92.6 608 37.4 -
10 to <20 56 18.1 254 81.9 310 19.1 -
20 and greater 41 24 130 76 171 10.5 -
Insurance type Medicaid/
169 13.1 1125 86.9 1294 79.6 <0.001
Otherd 16 4.8 316 95.2 332 20.4 -
High erythrocyte sedimentation rateg Yes 36 15.1 202 84.9 238 74.6 0.24
No 8 9.9 73 90.1 81 25.4 -
Pancytopenia Yes 6 12.5 42 87.5 48 3 0.8
No 179 11.3 1399 88.7 1578 97.1 -
Leucopenia Yes 12 11 97 89 109 6.7 0.9
No 173 11.4 1344 88.6 1517 93.3 -
CRP ≥ 3.0 mg/L Yes 102 14.9 584 85.1 686 71.2 <0.001
No 18 6.5 259 93.5 277 28.8 -
High ferritinf Yes 76 14.6 444 85.4 520 53.7 0.01
No 40 8.9 409 91.1 449 46.3 -
Anemia Yes 25 16.6 126 83.4 151 9.3 0.04
No 160 10.9 1315 89.2 1475 90.7 -
LDH ≥ 280 U/L Yes 75 18.9 322 81.1 397 46.3 <0.001
No 27 5.9 434 94.1 461 53.7 -
D-dimer > 0.5 Yes 109 14.4 647 85.6 756 75.3 <0.001
No 10 4 238 96 248 24.7 -
Thrombocytopenia Yes 36 20.3 141 79.7 177 10.9 <0.001
No 149 10.3 1300 89.7 1449 89.1 -

Notes: aComparisons tested using Chi-square tests unless otherwise noted. Bolded p-values are <0.05. bComparison tested with ANOVA due to >2 groups. cComparison tested using Fishers exact test to adjust for small cell sizes. dCombined for statistical purposes: agency, employee health insurance, commercial, self-pay, workers compensation. eCombined for statistical purposes: divorced, separated, widow, widower. fFor males, a high ferritin was >336 mg/L. For females, a high ferritin was >307 mg/L. gFor males, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate was >22 mm/hr. For females, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate was >29 mm/hr.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CKD, chronic kidney disease; ARF, acute respiratory failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; TIA, transient ischemic attack; CRP, C-reactive protein; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase.