Table 11.
Machine learning algorithms and methods employed in the selected primary studies
Category | Method | Publications | Learning task |
ARIMA models | ARIMA | [48, 61] | unsupervised |
Partition-based algorithms | MCOD | [69] | unsupervised |
Decision Trees | Adaboost | [72] | supervised |
CART | [41, 46, 68] | supervised | |
IF | [67] | supervised | |
RF | [43, 44, 46, 52, 53] | supervised | |
RSF | [71] | unsupervised | |
GBDT | [76] | supervised | |
Dynamic Bayes Networks | DBF | [63] | supervised |
HMM | [42] | unsupervised | |
Hybrid models | ARIMA + LSTM | [50] | unsupervised |
DBSCAN + RF | [74] | unsupervised + supervised | |
DBSCAN + SVM | [70] | unsupervised + supervised | |
[HC / time series clustering] + RNN | [59] | unsupervised + supervised | |
One-class SVM + K-Means + RF | [45] | semi-supervised + unsupervised + supervised | |
Autoencoder + Simple Linear Regression | [58] | unsupervised + supervised | |
GMM + FP-Growth + CBA-CB | [75] | unsupervised + supervised | |
CNN + NCA + Medium Gaussian SVM / CNN + NCA + ensemble subspace K-NN | [80] | supervised | |
Instance-based algorithms | K-NN | [39] | supervised |
Latent Variable Models | PCA | [65] | unsupervised |
GMM | [47] | unsupervised | |
K-Means | [54] | unsupervised | |
PLSR | [64] | supervised | |
K-SVD | [60] | unsupervised | |
K-MDTSC | [62] | unsupervised | |
Artificial Neural Networks | ANN | [57] | supervised |
BPNN | [40] | supervised | |
CNN | [78] | supervised | |
DNN | [77] | supervised | |
LSTM | [70] | supervised | |
MLP | [56] | supervised | |
SSAE + BPNN | [31] | unsupervised + supervised | |
SSAE + Softmax Classifier | [81] | unsupervised + supervised | |
LSTM Autoencoder | [73] | supervised | |
LSTM - GAN | [79] | supervised | |
RNN | [55] | supervised | |
Conditional Variational Autoencoder | [66] | unsupervised | |
Rule-based models | R4RE (“Rules 4 Rare Events” based on QARMA) | [49] | supervised |
XCSR | [51] | supervised |