The ganglion formation in the Neurod1CKO cochlea is severely disrupted. (A,B) Representative images of whole-mounted inner ear labeled by anti-NeuN (a marker of differentiated neurons) and SOX2 (a marker of sensory epithelial and glial cells). The dashed line delineates the VG and SG areas containing neurons. (C,D,C’,D’) At E14.5, cochlear neurons form the SG along with the sensory cells of the organ of Corti in the control cochlea. In contrast, neurons in the Neurod1CKO cochlea form a rudimental ganglion located far off the organ of Corti and project unusual long fibers to the sensory epithelium. (E,F) The section of the inner ear show distribution of neurons in the VG and SG and the location of sensory epithelia. (E’,F’) Higher-magnification images show SG neurons projecting radial fibers towards the sensory epithelium and central axons in the control inner ear. In Neurod1CKO, cochlear neurons project aberrant fibers toward the sensory epithelium of the saccule. Scale bars: 100 μm (A–F), 50 μm (C’–F’). AC, anterior crista; HC, horizontal crista; HS, Hoechst nuclear staining; PC, posterior crista; SG, spiral ganglion; VG, vestibular ganglion; iVG, inferior vestibular ganglion; sVG, superior vestibular ganglion.