Fig. 6. Interaction of C9ORF78 with U5 snRNA.
a Heat map displaying the top 20 differentially enriched non-coding RNAs in GFP (negative control) and C9ORF78 pull-down after RNA-protein UV-crosslinking and FLASH52, analyzed with snakePipes54; n = 2 biologically independent experiments each are shown. Colored by Z-score as indicated. Negatively enrichment RNAs (blue) in the C9ORF78 pull-down are mainly tRNAs, which are commonly found as background in such analyses. b Left, gaps in sequencing reads for U5 snRNA from FLASH experiments with C9ORF78 (orange) or GFP (control; gray). Right, putative C9ORF78 crosslinking sites (orange background) mapped to a secondary structure model of U5 snRNA. 5′-SL, 5′-stem-loop; IL1, internal loop 1, IL2, internal loop 2.