In vivo |
Animal models (infection and inflammation) Humans (health, infection, and inflammation) |
Global therapeutic efficacy in one specific system, cell morphology and number in blood and tissues, levels of mediators (in serum and other fluids), samples for ex vivo studies |
Ethics, administration schedule, statistical analysis, interspecies differences, interindividual variability |
Rebuk skin window |
PMN chemotaxis |
Inconsistent reproducibility |
Ex vivo |
Animal and human, PMN (blood and tissues), monocytes (blood), macrophages (fluids, monocyte derived) |
Cell functions after complex in vivo interactions (drugs, mediators, cell-cell contacts) |
Isolation procedures, phagocyte pools and subsets, phagocyte status |
In vitro |
Animal and human phagocytes, cell lines |
Cell functions in precisely defined conditions, antigens, phagocyte progenitor maturation |
Various techniques and stimuli (various activation pathways) standardization, artifactual milieu and conditions, extrapolation of results |
Specific research on cells and cell lines |
Transduction pathways, cellular targets, gene transcription |
Insufficient knowledge, no highly specific activators and inhibitors |