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. 2022 Mar 3;8(5):698–705. doi: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2021.8171

Table 1. Patient, Tumor, and Treatment Characteristics of the mFAS and PPS Populations.

Characteristic Patients in the category, No. (%)
HD201 Referent trastuzumab Total HD201 Referent trastuzumab Total
Patient population, No. 250 252 502 238 236 474
Age, median (range), y 53.7 (26.3-79.4) 54.2 (28.0-82.1) 54.1 (26.3-82.1) 53.7 (26.3-79.4) 53.6 (28.0-77.9) 53.6 (26.3-79.4)
Asia 20 (8.0) 19 (7.5) 39 (7.8) 19 (8.0) 17 (7.2) 36 (7.6)
Western Europea 14 (5.6) 14 (5.6) 28 (5.6) 10 (4.2) 8 (3.3) 18 (3.8)
Eastern Europe 216 (86.4) 219 (86.9) 435 (86.7) 209 (87.8) 211 (89.4) 420 (88.6)
Weight, median (range), kg 69 (43-125) 71 (45-122) 70 (43-125) 69 (43-125) 71 (45-122) 70 (43-125)
ECOG performance status
0 205 (82.0) 191 (75.8) 396 (78.9) 196 (82.4) 182 (77.1) 378 (79.7)
1 45 (18.0) 61 (24.2) 106 (21.1) 42 (17.6) 54 (22.9) 96 (20.3)
Left ventricular ejection fraction at baseline, median (range), % 65.5 (52-77) 66.0 (51-80) 66.0 (51-80) 66.0 (52-77) 66.0 (52-80) 66.0 (52-80)
Clinical stage
I B 0 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2) 0 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2)
II A 64 (25.6) 70 (27.8) 134 (26.7) 61 (25.6) 65 (27.5) 126 (26.6)
II B 80 (32.0) 74 (29.4) 154 (30.7) 76 (31.9) 68 (28.8) 144 (30.4)
III A 37 (14.8) 29 (11.5) 66 (13.1) 34 (14.3) 27 (11.4) 61 (12.9)
III B 50 (20.0) 53 (21.0) 103 (20.5) 48 (20.2) 51 (21.6) 99 (20.9)
III C 19 (7.6) 25 (9.9) 44 (8.8) 19 (8.0) 24 (10.2) 43 (9.1)
Axillary clinical nodal status
N0 64 (25.6) 71(28.2) 135 (26.9) 61 (25.6) 66 (27.9) 127 (26.8)
N1-N2-N3 186 (74.4) 181 (71.8) 367 (73.1) 177 (74.4) 170 (72.1) 347 (73.2)
Hormone receptor status
ER+ or PR+ 155 (62.0) 152 (60.3) 307 (61.2) 152 (63.9) 144 (61.0) 296 (62.4)
ER−/PR− 95 (38.0) 100 (39.7) 195 (38.8) 86 (36.1) 92 (39.0) 178 (37.6)
ERBB2 status
Positive 250 (100) 252 (100) 502 (100) 238 (100) 236 (100.0) 474 (100)
Histological grade
I 6 (3.3) 6 (3.1) 12 (3.2) 6 (3.6) 6 (3.4) 12 (3.4)
II 109 (60.6) 105 (54.7) 214 (57.5) 101 (59.8) 99 (55.3) 200 (57.5)
III 65 (36.1) 81 (42.2) 146 (39.2) 62 (36.7) 74 (41.3) 136 (39.1)
Inflammatory breast 32 (12.8) 38 (15.1) 70 (13.9) 30 (12.6) 36 (15.3) 66 (13.9)
Sentinel node biopsy 9 (3.6) 7 (2.8) 16 (3.2) 8 (3.4) 4 (1.7) 12 (2.5)
Negative sentinel node 2 (0.8) 1 (0.4) 3 (0.6) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.4) 2 (0.4)

Abbreviations: ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; ER, estrogen receptor; mFAS, modified full analysis set; PPS, per-protocol set; PR, progesterone receptor.


Central Europe was pooled with Western Europe for the analysis.