Key steps
in the design of a diverse set of VPs. (A) VP sequences
were collected from different databases, a phylogenetic tree was computed
and 12 representative sequences were selected. (B) Selected sequences
were modeled by trRosetta.25,26 For visualization,
heme (red), manganese (pink), and calcium ions (blue) were superimposed
from the VPL structure (PDB entry: 3FJW). The surface-reactive tryptophan is
presented in purple balls-and-sticks. (C) PROSS stability-design calculations18,19 suggested dozens of mutations (yellow spheres). For each sequence,
three designs with different mutational loads were selected for further
experimental examination. (D) In an activity screen of proteins heterologously
produced in yeast, the wildtype proteins show negligible functional
expression, while the designs with the highest mutational load are
highly active on the peroxidase substrate ABTS.