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. 2022 Mar 2;7(3):e007780. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2021-007780

Table 1A.

European region countries: COVID-19 cases and deaths (data from 2 May 2021), data on the number of children screened and diseases included, and the overall impact of COVID-19 pandemic on newborn screening. Legend: N/A - The question was not answered.

Country (region) Population (in millions) COVID-19 cases per million (in thousands) Deaths due to COVID-19
(per million)
Wave with more impact on the country Wave with more impact on NBS Average number of newborns per country (2015–2020; from 30th june of the initial and final year) Newborns screened/year/centre Number of diseases in NBS Impairment of NBS during the pandemic* Were there plans/guidelines for NBS during a pandemic
 Austria 9.1 68.7 1132 Second Both equally 87 850 85 000 21–30 Moderate No
 Belgium (Liege) 11.6 85.4 2085 Second Second 124 375 16 000 11–20 Little No
 Croatia 4.1 82.1 1759 Second Second 37 234 40 000 6–10 Moderate No
 Cyprus 1.2 54.6 258 Second Both equally 12 551 9500 1–5 Little No
 Czechia 10.7 152.4 2739 Second Second 111 358 110 000 11–20 Little No
 Germany 84.0 40.8 998 Second Both equally/none 779 236 60 000 11–20 A lot/none No
 Greece 10.4 33.4 1007 Second Both equally 82 635 80 000 1–5 Little No
 Hungary 9.6 81.2 2884 Second None 92 249 33 000 31 or more None No
 Hungary (north-west region) 9.6 81.2 2884 Second First 92 249 55 000–60 000 21–30 Little No
 Kosova 1.7 59.7 1229 Second Both equally Not stated No NBS None N/A No
 Lithuania 2.7 92.8 1469 Second Both equally 29 209 24 000 1–5 Little No
 Luxembourg 0.63 106.2 1256 Second None 6362 7200 1–5 None No
 Malta 0.44 68.5 940 Second First 4302 4000 1–5 Little No
 Montenegro 0.63 155.4 2396 Second Second 7418 7200 1–5 None No
 North Macedonia 2.1 73.3 2369 Second Both equally 22 658 19 000 11–20 Little No
 The Netherlands 17.2 87.8 1000 First/both equally First/none 171 751 170 000 21–30 None/little No
 Portugal 10.2 82.3 1669 First* First 80 574 90 000 21–30 Moderate No
 Romania (regional centre Bucharest) 19.1 55.3 1478 Both equally/second First/both equally 191 577 80 990 1–5 Little/moderate No
 Slovakia 5.5 70.1 2154 Second Second 57 084 57 000 11–20 Moderate No
 Slovenia 2.1 116.4 2056 First First 20 171 ~20 000 11–20 Moderate No
 Spain (Andalusia) 46.8 75.6 1673 First First 397 799 N/A 31 or more A lot No
 Sweden 10.2 97.1 1385 First Both equally 118 087 116 000 21–30 A lot No
 UK 68.2 64.8 1870 Other Other 771 936 750 000 6–10 Little Yes

*A 5-point Likert scale was used to determine the impairment (1=none, 2=little, 3=moderate, 4=a lot, 5=a great deal).

N/A, not available; NBS, newborn screening.