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. 2021 Jan 22;372:n83. doi: 10.1136/bmj.n83

Table 1.

Summary of policy responses to covid-19 and their effect in China, Thailand, and New York State

China Thailand New York State
Use of face masks and physical distancing Mandatory in public areas with high adherence Voluntary and high adherence Partial implementation with large variations across states
Restriction of domestic travel and social gatherings No state of emergency introduced, but high compliance with stay at home policy State of emergency declared; high level of compliance with stay at home Belated state of emergency introduced two weeks after the first cases, resulting in large surge of cases
Restriction of inbound international arrivals Mandatory test and state quarantine for all travellers Mandatory state quarantine for all arrivals US introduced international travel restriction
Test, trace, quarantine Rigorous implementation and mandatory quarantine of positive cases Scaled up laboratory capacity, strong capacity on surveillance and rapid responses, and mandatory quarantine Initial limitation in laboratory capacity, contact tracing not rigorously implemented, self quarantine at home may not prevent spreading
Availability of PPE Self reliance through local production Initial shortage but rectified by scaling up local production Critical shortage, reliance on suppliers from other countries
Treatment and access to care Access is facilitated by universal health coverage, plus additional budget allocation; no supply side constraints when cases are brought under control Universal coverage grants full access, plus additional budget allocation, treatment is free for all Thais and non-Thais Federal government pays doctors and hospitals for the uninsured at Medicare rates but balance billing not allowed; long queues and limited access
Mobilising surge capacity and critical resources Central government provides substantial resources to support Wuhan responses Cases are few and within resource capacity of each province Inadequate federal government support to state’s mitigation efforts
Governance and public communication Effective whole government approach; daily update and high trust in the population Whole government responses led by prime minister, effective daily communication builds trust and gains citizen adherence to measures Conflicting announcements between governor and mayor; generally inconsistent, insufficient, and confused public messaging in US
Effect on transmission Local transmission contained to less than two digits by March 2020; volume of covid-19 patients did not overwhelm the health system Local transmission contained to two digits by May 2020; case load did not disrupt health system Daily cases contained to less than 1000 by June 2020, but the large number of patients disrupts health systems